Sunday, 9 March 2014

Keep on Trusting God

Exodus 3-13

Something to say
Recap the story emphasising the promise God gave to his people. He made the promise to bring them out of Egypt even before they became slaves. Even though God had promised to free them, the Israelites were in Egypt for over 400 years. Moses kept going back to Pharoah and Pharoah kept saying 'no, you can't go'. Moses and the Israelites had to really trust in God. Sometimes it's difficult to trust God because we can't see him or touch him. But God is here, he's with us, he is in control and we need to put our trust in him.

Something to show
Get a selection of everyday objects of varying weights (heavy to paper light). hold an item up and ask the kids to guess what would happen if you let it go? As it drops to the floor, talk about how we all trust gravity to bring things down and stop us floating away. (repeat for al the objects, they will fall at different rates but they will eventually all come down) Explain again that when we wake up we expect to be able to walk on the floor without floating away because we trust gravity to be there even though we can't see it or feel it. In the same way, we can trust God to be there even though we can't see him.

Something to pray
Ask the children to think of something they would like to trust God with. Pray, Father God, teach us to put our trust totally in you and to know that you always have the answers and you will always be there for us. Amen.

A verse to remember
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

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