Sunday, 23 March 2014

God knows best

Exodus 16-17, 19-40

Something to say
Recap the story. Rules, rules, rules! They're not much fun are they? Ask the kids to raise their hands if they have ever heard anyone say 'you can't have dessert until you've finished your dinner' or 'no running in the house' or 'raise your hand if you have a question'. There's rules everywhere! When I was younger my mum would always shout at me for picking my nose and I'd always ask 'But whhhyyyyy?'. Ask the kids if they have asked that. It's a good question to ask. We want an explanation as to why we can't do something. My mum would just say to me 'because I said so'. That doesn't sound like a good reason does it?

Something to show
Show the kids a selection of road signs, ask them if they know what the sign means. Ask the kids why we have rules on the road? Is it to be mean? is it 'because someone said so'? No! It's because we don't always know what's round the corner, there may be a bump in the road or children crossing the road. We need rules because we don't always know what's best for us. When I got older I realised my mum was right about my nose picking because now I get nose bleeds! I didn't know the reason for the rule when I was little but if I had listening to her and trusted her, it would have been okay. Like the Israelites instead of complaining and questioning all the time, sometimes we just need to respect God's rules and learn that he knows what is best for us even if we don't understand why.

Something to pray
Talk to the kids about a 'respect fist bump'. Respect is like saying I value you, I care about you and I will listen to you. so obeying God's rules is like giving him a massive 'respect' fist bump! When people around see us fist bumping God, they will notice. By obeying God's rules we are acting like Jesus and others will see Jesus in us! Pray, God help us to respect your rules even if we don't understand them. Help us remember we have your rules because you love us and you know what is best for our lives. Amen.

A verse to remember
The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. Psalm 19:7

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