in some sort of Lent fast or habit has the potential of becoming the straw that breaks the camels back. For those who missed it, yesterday was the beginning of Lent which ends on Easter Sunday. Lots of christian's choose to observe Lent in some way either by fasting in a certain way or as encouraged by '40 Acts', taking on something new and living more generously.
Fairtrade fortnight ends this weekend and we have a guest speaker coming to Kids Church on Sunday to help raise children's awareness to the importance of Fairtrade. This is an issue that God cares about and I believe he wants children to care about this as well.
No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good,
and this is what he requires of you:
to do what is right, to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6v8
You might want to do the 40 Acts throughout Lent, you may want to do one every other day, you may want to give up chocolate (heed my earlier warning), you may want to give my idea a try or come up with your own idea as a family. I want to encourage you to give something a go but don't let Lent overwhelm you because that is not what Jesus wants. What matters most throughout lent is what matters most throughout life and his name is Jesus. Any activity, any prayer or any idea we adopt as part of Lent that isn't aimed at getting closer to Jesus in my opinion is a waste of time, so lets try and get closer to Jesus this Lent.
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