Autumn 1 Week 1 - God Made Light & Dark
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Bear cave with soft bears
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Craft Table: Black paper, chunky silver, gold crayons and stickers
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Suggested Worship(2): What a Great Creator, Special, I’m going to clap my hands, Big family of God, The wiggle song, The Statue Song, Let your light shine, The Lion’s Roar, Night Song
Mr Star was looking out of his bedroom window last night at bedtime and he could see some shiny things up in the sky – does anyone know what they could have been? Yes, the moon and stars. His mummy read him a bedtime story from his Bible which told him all about how the stars got up in the sky.
(open/show Bible) It was very dark before God made the world. He wanted the world to look beautiful, but it needed some light to see (because when it is dark you can’t see anything can you? – put your hands over your eyes) So God made lots and lots of stars and threw them up into space (make throwing actions) and He made the moon to light up the sky. He decided to call this time NIGHT. Then God made the sun to light up and warm up the daytime. ‘I love this’ God said, ‘I am going to call this DAY’. God was very pleased with what he had made. It’s beautiful isn’t it the world that God had made for us. Do you like looking at the stars and the moon at night? Do you like the warmth of the sun on your skin in the summer?
Father God, thank you for the light, it helps us to see all the beautiful things
that you have made. Sing twinkle, twinkle little star.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission
Autumn 1 Week 2 - God Made Land, Sky & Water
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Sand and Water play
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Craft Table: Blue paper, blue, green, white crayons and sea life stickers
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Suggested Worship(2): What a Great Creator, Special, I’m going to clap my hands, Big family of God, The wiggle song, The Statue Song, Let your light shine, The Lion’s Roar, Night Song
Mr Star’s mummy opened his Bible and read him a story from the very beginning of the Bible, when God made the world. Right at the beginning of time God made the world. God made the earth and then he made water and the sky. (Use the musical instruments to make a really gentle, quite tinkling sound) God made the water lots of different colours – blue, green, silver, grey, turquoise. God made water for us to use to drink, wash (actions for drinking and washing) God made water for animals and plants too (Use the musical instruments to make a really gentle, quite tinkling sound) But after God had made the water he needed something to make it stay in one place. So he decided to make some dry areas, which he called ‘land’ and then he called the water around the land the ‘sea’. Has anyone ever been to the beach? Have you stood on the land and put your feet in the sea? Has anyone been swimming in the sea? God made all types of land, flat land and high, mountain land. Hilly land and bumpy land. God had made the earth, He had made the water, He had made the sun, the moon, the stars, and then he looked up at the big blue thing above him (look up) what could he call that, He had names for everything else – what could he call that big blue thing? Do you know? That’s right He called it the sky and in the sky he put some clouds and the sun in the daytime and the moon and the stars at night time. God was really pleased. His world was beginning to look amazing.
Thank God for the land, sky and sea using actions. Lift hands up high for the sky, flat for the land and create waves for the sea. Each leader pray a blessing for each of the children as they sit.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission
Autumn 1 Week 3 - God Made Plants
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Soft gardening equipment
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Craft Table: Seed pictures, planting cress
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Suggested Worship(2): What a Great Creator, Special, I’m going to clap my hands, Big family of God, The wiggle song, The Statue Song, Let your light shine, The Lion’s Roar, Night Song
Mr Star was doing some painting yesterday, he loves bright colours – his favourite colour is red. What’s your favourite colour? God loves bright colours. Mr Star’s daddy read him a story from his Bible last night at bedtime about when God made all the plants on the earth and the fun he had choosing the colours for them. First of all God decided to make some tall trees (stand up pretend to be trees) big, solid brown trunks, with brown branches and bright green leaves (sit down again). Then He made some bushes and grass (wiggle fingers like blades of grass). Then he decided that He wanted more colour so he decided to make some beautiful flowers in lots and lots of different colours. What colours can you think of? God was really pleased with his world, He loved all the colours.
Thank God for all the beautiful flowers and plants in our world (children can sign -Thank you see blog video).Ask the children to make themselves as small as a tiny seed. Pray for each child that they will grow up knowing and loving the Lord throughout their life.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission
Autumn 1 Week 4 - God Made Big Animals
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Big animal small world
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Craft Table: Animal cut outs
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Suggested Worship(2): What a Great Creator, Special, I’m going to clap my hands, Big family of God, The wiggle song, The Statue Song, Let your light shine, The Lion’s Roar, Night Song
Mr Star and his daddy sat and watched ‘The Lion King’ on television yesterday. It is Mr Star’s favourite film. He really likes the big lion in it called Simba. Simba is really naughty when he is little. A bit like Mr Star sometimes. Mr Star’s daddy read him a story from his Bible at bedtime all about when God made all the big animals like Simba the lion. God had already made many amazing things for the earth, but He was still missing something. Just at that moment He had an amazing idea. ‘Animals’ he said, ‘wouldn’t it be wonderful to have some animals on this beautiful earth that I have made’ So God set about making some animals, some really big animals. He made some animals with long fur and some with short fur. He made some that were fierce and some that were gentle. He made some that were fast and some that were slow. He made some that were quiet and some that were very noisy. (Act all of these out) He made lots and lots of animals, can you think of some really big animals? (Try and act out or make the noises for the suggestions) Aren’t they all amazing? God was so pleased with all his animals.
Father God, we like the animals you have made, we like the (ask a child
for an animal), we like the .....Thank you God.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission
Autumn 1 Week 5 - God Made Little Animals
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Mini beast, domestic animal small world
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Craft table: Decorate butterflies
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Suggested Worship(2): What a Great Creator, Special, I’m going to clap my hands, Big family of God, The wiggle song, The Statue Song, Let your light shine, The Lion’s Roar, Night Song
Mr Star was watching a little bee buzzing around his garden yesterday. It was so tiny and so beautiful. It was yellow and black striped and looked a bit furry. It was sitting on one of his mummy’s flowers for a long time. Then it flew away really quickly buzzing as it went. (bbbuuzzzzzzzzzzzzz) He asked his mummy all about these little animals. His mummy read him a story from his Bible about when God made all the little animals in the world for us. (open the Bible) God was just sooooo busy making the world, He had done so much yet he was sure there was still something missing. What could it be? He loved the animals He had made, but there was a problem, they were all sooo BIG. I know He thought, I will make some little animals. They will look wonderful in my world. So God thought about what small animals he might need and He made a little mouse (squeak, squeak), and a little bee (buzz, buzz) and a little cat (meowww) and a little frog (ribbit, ribbit). Can you think of any other small animals that he made? (make the noises) God made so many little animals, they were very beautiful, He was very pleased with them.
Sit in a circle and place the pictures of all the little animals we have been learning about in the middle. Thank God for all the little animals, point and mention by name. Ask the children to make themselves small like a snail and pray blessing over each child.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission
Autumn 1 Week 6 - God Made People
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Babies, dolls, push chairs
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Craft Table: Large people cut outs
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Suggested Worship(2): What a Great Creator, Special, I’m going to clap my hands, Big family of God, The wiggle song, The Statue Song, Let your light shine, The Lion’s Roar, Night Song
Mr Star’s mummy was tidying up the other day and found a book of photos of Mrs Stars family. Mr Star and his mum sat down and looked at all the people in the photos. There were so many. Mr Star has a big family. Lots and lots of people in it. Look around, can you see lots of people? Have you got photos at home of lots of people? Let’s look in the Bible to see the story of when God made the people with Mr Star (open the Bible) God still wasn’t finished making his world. He had made so much, yet there was still something missing. What could it be? Then God had this gigantic amazing thought PEOPLE, my world needs PEOPLE in it. People will be able to look after my world, making sure everything is how it should be. So God set about making some people, the first people on earth. He wanted people to be just like himself. Very soon he was finished. ‘Here they are’ said God, ‘Here are the first people on my earth, a man and a woman’ (ask two children to stand up – boy and girl) and they looked just like this. God was so happy he danced around with the biggest smile on his face. ‘I am so pleased with my world’ he said.
Pray for our families, use family picture cards to help. Children can point/say
out loud to who they would like to pray for. Pray a blessing for each
child by name.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission
Autumn 1 Week 7 (Extra Plan) - God Made Rest
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Play Sleeping Bunnies, Tented area with sleeping bags
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Craft Table: Night time pictures, moon and star stickers, glitter glue
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Suggested Worship(2): What a Great Creator, Special, I’m going to clap my hands, Big family of God, The wiggle song, The Statue Song, Let your light shine, The Lion’s Roar, Night Song
Mr Star was getting ready for bed, he had washed his face, brushed his teeth (actions) and was climbing in to bed ready for a story. His mummy read one of his favourite stories ‘Peace at last’ – Read story by Jill Murphy (use pictures to help). The bear in the story finally got to sleep! Our sleep is so important to us in fact God told us how important it is for us all to rest! God had been working very hard for 6 days creating the world. He had created the sun, moon, stars, sky, water, animals and people and he was so tired. So on the 7th day he decided to have a rest!
God showed us how important it is for us to rest and he loves to rest with us.
Let’s have a rest now and ask Jesus to come and rest with us. Put a
duvet/blanket on the floor, ask all the children to lie down and ask Jesus to
come and rest with us. Pray the peace of God over each child.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission
2 Week 1 - God Loves Families
activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity:
Noah and his boat, dolls house and family, babies and buggies
Craft Table: Decorate picture frames
Tots & Mini Church CD
Find Mr. Star. Mr Star and his Mummy
have been looking at some family
photos this week. Would you like to
see them? (Show the photos) Here is Mr
Stars’ Mummy and Daddy, here is Mr
Stars’ Sister, here is Mr Stars’ Cousin,
here is Mr Star’s Grandpa. Noah and
his family had to go on a big boat
because God had sent a flood. Noah’s
wife, his three sons Shem, Ham and
Japheth and his son’s wives. They
went on board the boat so God could
keep them all safe. Here is a picture of
Noah and his family. How many
people can you count? Have you got
big families? How many brothers and
sisters have you got?
Cut out large cross on the floor ask
the children to sit round the cross in a
circle. Place the pictures of
different family members (use picture cards)
around the cross and pray for each of them.
Encourage the older children to
pray for one of their family members out
loud. Pray and blessing over each
child that they would know God love and follow
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Autumn 2 Week 2 God Loves Me - Homes
activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity:
Dolls house and family, lego/blocks for house building, home corner role play
Craft Table: House cut outs and sticky shapes
Tots & Mini Church CD
Find Mr.
Star. Mr. Star was very excited because he was going to a friend’s house to
play! He was thinking about all the lovely things they would do together. Mr.
Star’s mummy said that Jesus loved to visit people in their homes too and one
day he went to visit his friend Martha. As Jesus and his friends were
travelling, they came to a town where Martha lived with her sister Mary. The
sisters welcomed Jesus into their home. While Martha busied herself making
the meal, Mary sat with Jesus and listened to his stories. Jesus went to
visit lots of different people in lots of different homes. There are so many
different homes around the world. Of all shapes and sizes, big and small,
square and round. Thank you God for our homes.
Use the
lego houses that the children have built or made in the craft or your own
example, look at all the good features of our homes, roof, doors, they keep
us warm and dry etc Thank God for our homes and ask God to help those who
have no homes. Pray and blessing over
each child that they would know God love and follow Jesus.
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Autumn 2 Week 3 God Loves Me - Food
activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity:
Kitchen/cooking role play
Craft Table: Fruit and Vegetable Cut outs
Tots & Mini Church CD
Find Mr. Star.
What’s your favourite food? What do you think Mr Star’s favourite food is? Yes
its beans! (GET OUT BEANS)Does anyone else like beans? Do you know Mr Star
was reading in his Bible yesterday about some of Gods special friends who
didn’t have anything to eat for a long time. They were travelling through the
desert and there was no food to eat and no shops to buy any food in. They
were very hungry. They spoke to their leader, who was called Moses. Moses
spoke to God, and God told Moses that he would make sure that these people
would have food to eat every day. God gave them bread to eat in the mornings
and meat to eat in the evenings. Wasn’t that great? God always looks after
his friends. Do you think God gives Mr Star his beans? Of course he does. His
Mummy buys them at the shops but God makes sure that his Mummy always has
enough money for food for her family. Isn’t God GREAT!!!!!
Using pretend
food, pictures or play dough food made by the children thank God for all the
food we have to eat and ask God to give everyone around the world enough food
to eat. Pray and blessing over each
child that they would know God love and follow Jesus.
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Autumn 2 Week 4 God Loves Me - Clothes
activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity:
Pretend food, kitchen role play
Craft Table: Dress the bear
Tots & Mini Church CD
Do you like
Mr Star’s hat? His Granny made it for him – its great isn’t it! What a clever
Granny she knitted it for him. Mr Stars Granny sent him a note with the hat
that said he should read a story in his Bible about Adam and Eve. In the very
beginning God made Adam and Eve and put them in the Garden of Eden, they were
very special to God. God gave them everything they needed, a beautiful place
to live, food and clothes to wear. Because God loves us so much he wants us
to be safe and happy.
Tell God what you like to wear. Hand
round Mr Star. Thank you for our
clothes, thank you that you can do anything! Pray and blessing over each
child that they would know God love and follow
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Autumn 2 Week 5 God Loves Me - Parties
activities: Blocks, cars & mat, dolls house, kitchen, books, puzzles etc
activity: Set up a party table, hats, balloons, hat, teddys and dolls as
guests, party blowers etc
Craft Table: Decorate/make party hats
Tots & Mini Church CD
Find Mr
Star. Mr Star was really excited. It’s his birthday soon and he is going to
have a birthday party! He is trying to decide who to invite to his party. He
has so many friends, they can’t choose. Parties are so much fun when lots of
friends come. Mr Star has been reading a story in their Bible about a party.
Jesus told a story about a man who was having a really big party. With lots
and lots of food. But all the people he invited said they were busy and they
couldn’t come. The man was very upset that his friends would not come to his
party. So, do you know what the man did? He just went out into the street and
invited everyone there to his party. They all came and they had a really
great party. Jesus loved parties. He went to lots of parties. Do you like
parties? What do you like doing at parties?
Playing games, eating food, dancing…..
Jesus, thank you for all the fun we have at parties. We are glad we will
have a
party with you one day. Pray and blessing over each child
know God love and follow Jesus.
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Autumn 2 Week 6 Christmas – An Angel Visits
activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity:
Angel dressing up
Craft Table: Make 3D Angels
Tots & Mini Church CD
Find Mr.
Star. Mr Star had a dream last night while he was asleep. He dreamt that an
Angel was in his bedroom and the Angel told him how much Jesus loved him. Do
you have dreams when you are asleep? Mr Star told his mummy about his dream
and his mummy reached for her bible and told Mr Star all about Mary and when
an Angel visited her. An Angel came to visit Mary in her house, she was a bit
scared at first because the Angel was very big and shiny. But it was OK, the
Angel was very friendly and he said to Mary ’Don’t be afraid Mary I am an
angel. I have come to give you good news. God has chosen you specially. You
are going to have a baby’ The angel said ‘Your son will be called Jesus. He
will be a very important man. He will be the Son of God’ Mary looked up at
the angel. He was beautiful and his eyes were smiling. ‘I will do whatever
God wants’ she said ‘I am his servant, and now he has blessed me.’
Father God
we thank you for sending Jesus to be with. Help us to listen to all you have
to say to us (grown-ups take a minute to listen on behalf of our tots), just
like Mary did. Pray and blessing over
each child that they would know God love and follow Jesus.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with
Autumn 2 Week 7 Christmas – Welcome Baby
activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity:
Nativity dressing up, baby doll and crib
Craft Table: Decorate Large Stars/Nativity Stampers
Tots & Mini Church CD
Find Mr.
Star. After the angel had visited Mary (last week) with the exciting news
that she was going to have a very special baby Mary and her husband Joseph
had to make a long journey to a place called Bethlehem, where Jesus was to be
born. Mr Star is very excited, Christmas is coming and he is really looking
forward to all the amazing presents he has asked his Mummy and Daddy for. He
has asked for a bike and a train set. What do you want for Christmas? Mr
Stars Mummy reads him some of his Bible – all about the best, best Christmas
present we could every get. She opens the page to where Jesus has just been
born and tells Mr Star that God gave us the best Christmas present we could
ever want or need. And that is His Son Jesus. We celebrate Christmas not just
for presents but we are remembering the day Jesus was born. Lots of people
can to visit Jesus when he was born. There were lots of animals – (make
noises) sheep, cows, pigs, horses etc There were some shepherds who look
after sheep (more sheep noises) And there were some wise men (stand up, bow
and say ‘Your majesty’) And there were some Angels (shout ‘Hallelujah’) Jesus
is God’s best present to us.
Give each
of the children a small wrapped up present. Ask each child to put their gift
by a crib with baby Jesus in it to say thank you for giving us Jesus and we
love you. Pray and blessing over each child that
they would know God love and follow Jesus.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with
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