Dear Kids Church Parents
This summer term we have started to look at some exciting themes
using the connected hearts curriculum. We have been allowing more space for the kids to connect with God, hear from God, pray for themselves and each other.
For an idea of what we have covered please look below, you
can also see some suggestions of how to continue at home. Please
let us know how it goes!
Related material + ministry
How to continue at home
Our theme this week was: God. We
explored the creation story in Genesis
1 and how God feels about us. We learnt, through Psalm 139 that God thinks we
are good and that He knows everything about us. In ministry, we drew pictures
of us and God. Then we asked
Father God to show us in our minds
where He was in our pictures. God showed us how close He was to us so we changed
our pictures.
If you want to explore this idea more,
at some point this week have an ice lolly with your child while you are out
for a walk. (In our session to remind us of God we are using water to
describe The Trinity - ice, steam and water) Share where you see God at work in your
life and in the world. Then take turns on your walk to point out things that
remind you
of God. Have fun.
Our theme this week was: Jesus. We
learnt that Jesus came to tell us how much we are loved using Mark 10:13 the
idea that when we are filled up with His love it flows out of us and affects
the people around us.
We used water to remind us of Jesus
this week. So, if you would like to explore this idea more, at some point
this week, share a water based activity with your child weather is good. If
not, go somewhere you can throw stones into water and try and skim them (fun
is in trying together). Talk about how it feels for you to know
that Jesus loves you. Share an example
of when you
love to someone else.
Holy Spirit
Our theme this week was: Holy Spirit.
Through the story of
Pentecost in Luke 24:502:1
In the response time, we asked Him to
fill us up with His presence.
Try and make the time this week to make
a hot drink
with your child for each of you. Then
sit and watch the steam together while they cool. Talk about a time when you
have experienced the Holy Spirit in some way. It may be as simple as
experiencing peace or it may be you for sure in your heart, like the time you
chose to ask Jesus into your life.
Why not ask your child if they would
help you to be filled with more of the Holy Spirit? Explain that all they
need to do is put their hand palm facing up and ask the Holy Spirit to fill their hearts..
Our theme this week was: Adoption.
Today, we thought about what it means
to be a child of God. We used Matthew 19:13 to think about what it means to
have access to the treasure of heaven and the birth of the royal princess to
know we are all princes and princesses in Gods eyes.
If you have the time this week, ask
your child if they would like to help you make a crown for yourself. You take
a simple band of card, some colouring pens and a stapler (to fix the
cardboard band together.) Ask the child if they would like to wear their
crown while you do this. Then, ask your child to choose colours to represent
the different treasures God wants you to have.
God is good all the time
Our theme this week was: The story of Joseph in Genesis 37: 39. God uses
the bad things that happen for our good and the good of others.
If you have time this week, have your
child and you select two times on a clock in your house. When the clock is at
your selected time, run to your child (or your child runs to you) to say out
loud, a blessing from that day. You can repeat this over a number of days if
you choose. Hopefully it will have you both laughing and
remembering God loves you both.
Nothing is impossible
Looking at the feeding of the 5000
(Matthew 14:13-21).
If you have time, we would encourage
you to spend some time drawing with your child this week. Draw some of your
dreams, share them with your child and ask them about their dreams. Or draw
pictures of impossible things you have seen God do and share stories of them
with your child. Ask what impossible things they would like to see God do.
Looking at Adam and Eve in Genesis, we
explored how suffering entered the world
and the idea of free will. Also that, when we suffer, God is with us. In
ministry we let Jesus come and take any sadness in our hearts away. We practised
letting Jesus come close to us when we are upset so He can make us feel
If you want to explore this idea more,
at some point this week, play Lego with your child and describe a time when
Jesus has helped make you feel better when you were sad.
Mini and Kids together. Using the topic of forgiveness, we will have several prayer stations which will encourage both older and younger children during this mixed aged service. We will pick up again in 2 weeks time, see below.
Grace – you’re not in trouble
Our theme this week was: Grace. Through
the story of the woman who made a mistake in John 8:1 .In
ministry, we said sorry to God for our mistakes and asked The Holy Spirit to
help us walk tall and feel how pleased God was with us.
If you would like to explore this idea
more at home, build a den together and sit inside. Talk about how, when you
do something
wrong, it can feel like we want to hide
from the world. Share a time when you wanted to hide. Talk about chatting to
God to say
sorry and how it made you feel better,
so you could walk tall and not hide.
Fathers Day
All family service
Grace- forgiveness
Our theme this week was: Showing Grace
to others + forgiveness. We used Acts 9:1
. We explored how hard forgiveness can
be and that God can help us forgive others who
hurt us.
If you would like to explore this idea
further, have your child choose a candle from your home or buy a new candle
together. Light the candle and watch the flame. Explain, it week, we learnt
about how hard it can be to forgive. Say you sometimes found it hard to
forgive others that hurt you. Then ask your child if it would be ok if you pray for
each other and ask God to help you forgive. Pray something simple like, child
for you. Let us know how it goes.
This week we have been chatting to God.
can chat to God anyplace, anytime,
anywhere. Amen!
To help us practise chatting to God,
please can you chat to God this week with your child. Take any opportunity;
you might be cooking together, watching TV, out for a walk. Feel free to
weave it into everyday life.
This week we have been learning that we
can hear from God in all sorts of ways.
Our challenge this week is to practise
catching from God again. You could do this together with your child. Sit
together and think of a question each to ask God. Ask God the question in
your mind and wait for an answer. Write or draw it and then share it with
each other if you are happy to; remember we are teaching the children that
what they
say to God and what He says to them is
private, so they don’t have to share.
Social week
Social week
All age service
Party week, summer is here
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