Sunday, 16 March 2014

Impossible made possible

Exodus 14-15

Something to say
Recap the story. There was a big sea, what on earth were they going to do? It was impossible to escape! Ask the kids what they did? They panicked. There was no way out but God had a plan, he was going to make the impossible, possible!

Something to show
Get a girl and boy to volunteer to do a challenge. The challenge is to open as many wrapped sweets as they can in 60 seconds. Ask the volunteers and the rest of Kids Church if this is an impossible or a possible task. They should say its possible. Just before the challenge starts suddenly produce a pair of oven gloves for each child to wear while they unwrap the sweets. After 60 seconds ask them and the rest of Kids Church whether the challenge was possible or impossible. They should now say it was impossible!! Ask the kids if they can think of anything else that's impossible for us to do but that God can do. Remind the kids that God can do anything! Nothing is impossible for him!

Something to pray
Get the children to think about something in their life that seems impossible and that they can't do anything to fix it or help it. Pray, Father God, we know how powerful you are. You parted the sea and made the impossible, possible. Please come and change our situations and make the impossible, possible. Amen

A verse to remember
With human beings this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26

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