Tots Church Sessions Spring Term - God has a Plan for my Life
Spring 1 Week 1 God has a plan for my life – God’s Promise to Abraham
Core activities: Blocks, cars & mat, dolls house, kitchen, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Baby dolls and pushchairs
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Craft Table: Make a Star Wand
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Tots & Mini Church CD
Find Mr. Star. Mr. Star was feeling sad. His friend had promised to come and play at his house but he had not come! Mr. Star’s mummy gave Mr. Star a BIG hug and reminded him that God never breaks his promises and told him a story about a man called Abraham. One day the Lord came to talk to Abraham. God promised Abram and his wife Sarah that one day they would be parents, even though they were old and had no children. God wasn't sure that Abraham understood. So that night He took him outside, and said, "Do you see all the stars that are in the sky"? When Abram looked up, the whole night sky was full of stars, so many in fact that he would never be able to count them. Then God said, "That is how many children you will have". Some years later God told them again that they would be parents and that they would have a boy. This time Abraham laughed, we are too old! One day three visitors came to Abraham's house. While the visitors were eating, they asked Abraham, "Where is your wife Sarah?" Abraham thought this was a little strange, but he replied, "She's in the other room". Then one of the men spoke and said, "I will come back to see you at this time next year, and Sarah will have a son. Sarah said to herself, "How can I have a child, I'm almost one hundred years old?" Sure enough a year later Sarah had a son. She and Abraham named him Isaac, which means "he laughs." They were very excited, and remembered to thank God for Isaac. God kept his promise to Abraham!
Give each child a laminated star to stick up, write their names on each one. God made all the stars in the sky and he made each one of you and just like your mummy’s and daddy’s love to listen to you when you talk to them our father God loves it even more when we talk to him, he will never be too busy to listen! Thank you God that you listened to Abraham and that you kept your promise to him and Sarah. Pray and blessing over each child that they would know God love and follow Jesus.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission
Spring 1 Week 2 God has a plan for my life – Joseph the Dreamer
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Dolls house with family figures
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Craft Table: Decorate Hanging Love Hearts – Thank You God for my family and always looking after us
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Tots & Mini Church CD
Mr. Star had been fighting with his little brother! Mr. Star’s mummy told him that he should be kind to his brother and she told him a story about a man called Joseph whose brothers were very unkind to him. Joseph was sold to Potipher, an helper to the Pharaoh (king) of Egypt by his brothers. He was a slave, but the Lord was with Joseph and He helped him do everything right. So Potiphar made him his very important helper, and put him in charge of everything that he owned. But Potiphar's wife lied about Joseph to her husband, so Potiphar had Joseph put into jail. While he was in jail Joseph helped the prisoners to understand their dreams. Joseph was brought to Pharaoh. "Can you understand dreams?" Pharaoh asked. "Yes because God helps me." Joseph replied. Joseph helped Pharaoh to understand his dream and told him what to do. Pharaoh believed all that Joseph told him, and put him in charge of all the land of Egypt. People came from all countries to buy grain from Joseph, because the whole world was in need of food. Some of those people were Joseph's brothers. Then Joseph said, "Come here. I am your brother, the one you sold! Do not worry, and do not be angry at yourselves for selling me, because God has put me here to save people from starving." God had a plan for Joseph even when bad things happened to him!
Joseph forgave his brothers even though they had been horrible to him. God had a plan and looked after him. Write the name of the child’s brother, sister or other family member if they are an only child on to a hand print, stick up and prayer for each of them by name, thanking God for giving them us and always looking after us even when things are hard. Pray and blessing over each child that they would know God love and follow Jesus.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission
Spring 1 Week 3 God has a plan for my life – Moses’ Journey
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Making Manna with play dough
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Craft Table: Stick on a paper plate the different things that God provided.
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Tots & Mini Church CD
Mr. Star was very hungry and tired! He was going to visit his Grandma and Grandpa and had been in the car for a long time! Mr. Star’s daddy promised that they would stop for something to eat and while they waited he told him about how God looked after a man called Moses when he and his friends had to make a long journey. Moses and his people had walked for weeks across the desert; they were walking to their new land that God had promised them. They were hungry and starting to grumble! God heard the people grumbling and said to Moses ‘Tell the people I will give them meat to eat every evening and bread every morning’. That evening flocks of birds, called quails landed on the people’s tents and they were easy to catch. So that night everyone ate roast quail! In the morning the ground was covered with small white seeds. The people collected them, ground them into flour made it into bread and baked it! They called the bread ‘manna’ because it was food which came from Heaven. It was very good to eat and tasted like honey! Every day the same thing happened. The people ate bread in the morning and roasted quail in the evening! God looked after the Hebrew people all the years they were travelling to their new land!
God will give us everything we need just like he gave Moses and his people everything they needed in the story. Use some visual aids – God gives us food (bread), our clothes (clothes) water to drink (water) but most of all he gives us love (laminated heart). Thank you God that you give us everything we need
Pray and blessing over each child that they would know God love and follow Jesus.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission
Spring 1 Week 4 God has a plan for my life – David the Shepherd King
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Musial instruments in the baby area
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Craft Table: Decorate David’s crown
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Tots & Mini Church CD
Mr Star was playing with his musical instruments one day, ‘I love making my own songs’ Mr Star said to his mum! His mum told Mr. Star about a little boy in the bible who loved to write songs to God – his name was David and he became an important King! One day a man called Jesse was sent by King Saul to visit David’s family. Jesse was looking for the next King! Jesse met all of David’s brothers from the youngest to the oldest but couldn’t find the person God wanted to be the next King. David was out in the fields looking after his sheep when he was called to meet Jesse. God told Jesse that David was to be the next King, he was especially chosen by God! Even though David was the youngest in his family God chose him. He had a plan for David and he has a plan for you!
Pray and blessing over each child that they would know God love and follow Jesus.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission
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