Monday, 19 January 2015

The light of the whole world

·    Blanket(s) – one per 4/5 children – big enough for them to sit under and for it to be dark
·    Battery operated LED lights
·    Flipcharts with “Where would you like Jesus to shine his light” written on
·    Pens
·    Jesus storybook bible “The light of the whole world”

Something to Say
Hopefully we have all had a lovely Christmas time with our families and eaten lots of nice food, received lots of presents and had lots of fun. But we know there is more to Christmas than this, it’s Jesus’ birthday! Jesus came born as a baby like you and me so we could be best friends with God forever. It says in the bible that Jesus said "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12).

A story about a baby who was the light of the whole world
Let’s watch a story about baby Jesus -  the light of the whole world. When you’re watching, think about where there is “light” and where there is “darkness” in the story and also in the world.
·    Title “The light of the whole world”
Did you hear that at the end? It said that Jesus came to take away all of the darkness! WOW! Even though he was born a little baby just like you and me, he came so we could be best friends with God forever. He is the light of the world! Remember, that who ever walks with him *will not walk in Darkness*. Where would you like Jesus to shine his light?

Something to Show: 
Ask the kids to create posters “I would like Jesus to shine his light...”
Prepare a poster with a picture of a candle and the question “Where would you like Jesus to shine his light?”. Get the children into 2 or 3 groups and give them some pens. Have them think about Christmas and where they have been, ask them to think about any places where they think Jesus could shine his light. For example, I went to my Uncle's house who is very sad and angry and shouts a lot and I would like Jesus to shine his light there. Don't let them hold back – its ok to put whatever comes to mind!

Something to Pray:
·    When they have completed that, ask the children to gather around each poster and say all of the things they have written or drawn and see if anything is unclear. Ask for them to pray out loud for the situations written on the posters.
·    If the group is small enough, or if you have several helpers to allow a few groups of no more than 4/5, get some blankets and have the children get under each blanket. This is good if the kids are mixed ages eg 3+, as they often are in the Sunday following Christmas. Call out the prayer points from one poster and pray “Dear Jesus, please shine your light on...the park....” – then use the battery operated LED lights to come on when you say “Shine your light”. If children want to join in with prayer points not on the poster at this point that is also fine.
·    Ask the children to lie down and ask the Holy Spirit to come. See what words and pictures He gives the children.  Recap in a group.

A verse to remember:   John 8-12:  “"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12).

Fighter verses to combat the devils tricks and lies( Luke 4:1-13)

·         Jesus Storybook Bible: Let’s go
·         Bread
·         Stones
·         Globe (not essential)

·         A4 paper card cut length-ways into 2” wide strips with fighter verses on (see below)

Something to say
Have you noticed we seem to have a lot of TV shows at the moment that focus on getting famous? Can anyone think of one? (X factor, I’m a celebrity, the Voice, Strictly etc ). Why do you think people like to get famous? Some of them think that by getting famous, they will have lots of friends or will get lots of money. And they think that people might love them more and that might make them happy. Will that make you happy?
Have you also noticed that sometimes we think that if we buy more ‘stuff’ - get the next best toy or the best pair of trainers, even a fast car, we will be happy and our friends will like us even more. Will that make you happy?
Lots of adults are also really interested in getting more and more power, maybe its through politics or money. Maybe they think that if they get more power they will be happier too because they will have more influence. Will that make you happy?
What does the bible have to say about people who want to be famous, powerful or wealthy? Well, in the next story we will see Jesus tempted by the devil. Does anyone remember Jesus being baptised by John the Baptist? Well after that, he went to the desert for 40 days and he was really hungry. He was tempted by the devil who lied to him and tried to get him to follow a different plan from Gods. Let’s see what happens.

Something to show
Jesus Storybook bible DVD “Let’s go” (show it ½ way through)
See Jesus was tempted too. He was hungry and the devil said “if you are the son of God, turn these stones into bread” (hold up a stone and point to the bread). Jesus knew that the Bible says we don’t just survive on bread, but we need to rely on God. He knew the Devil was tempting him to do something wrong.
The Devil tempted Jesus to seek fame by jumping off the temple showing his power to lots of people. But Jesus knew the devil was tempting hi to do something wrong and that we should no test God but trust him. 
The Devil also promised him all the power in the world, (hold up the globe) but Jesus knew he was him to do something wrong and that we should worship and serve only God.
Let’s see what it says in the bible. I'm going to read Luke 4:1-13 to you. Listen well, because at the end we’re going to have a game. This story shows how Jesus used verses from the bible to fight against the devils tricks.
Let’s have a game where we can match the things Jesus said with fame, power and food:

Fighter verse Game: 
Write out the words below and cut them up into strips so the kids have to match each of the following:

·         Temptation
·         “It is written: Man shall not live on bread alone” Deuteronomy 8v3
·         TRUST GOD
·         Seeking power
·         “It is written: Worship the Lord your God and serve him only” Deuteronomy 6v13
·         WORSHIP GOD
·         Seek fame
·         “It is said: Do not put the Lord your God to the test” Deuteronomy 6v16

Once finished, see if any of the kids thought that ‘trust God’ went with all three situations. How about ‘worship God’ and ‘Have faith in God’?
It’s ok to want to have a Coca Cola or some Chocolate. But its worth remembering that we don't need this to survive. We need first to worship, pray and speak to God.
It's ok to want to go on X factor, but it's not ok to believe that being famous is the most important thing in the world. It is more important to trust in God.
Its ok if you want to have some power to change the bad in the world for good, but not if that is more important to us than worshiping God.

Something to show:
Remember that the world we live in does not put God first. When you go out this week, I want to see if you can spot any lies. For example, who thinks that by drinking Coca Cola we will be happier? Well watch this TV advert, and see if you think you will be:
You TUBE Cola Cola advert “Open happiness”
What do you think? Will you be happier? It looks so beautiful with the animals but really they don’t care about coca cola.!!!

Something to pray:
Ask the kids to lie down and welcome the Holy Spirit into the room. Ask Him to reveal himself in words and pictures for the kids. Ask if God spoke to anyone afterwards and what did He say?
Pray for the kids to know the difference between the lies and the truth. Pray that they know the true meaning of 'happiness'  which comes through trusting God and not through the things that we are sometimes promised on TV like having more things or money or by being famous. That they will worship and trust God and have faith in Him all their lives, and seek Him forever. Amen.

The meaning of Christmas

Something to say and show (crackers)

What's your favourite thing about Christmas? (tree, food, being with family, presents?) Let me tell you what I really love...Christmas Crackers! You can get so many different ones, big ones, small ones, even ones that come with a free pair of nail clippers. The reason I love them is because they remind me of what Christmas is all about.

Choose some volunteers to come and help you open the crackers. Count down 5..4..3..2..1 Bang! What's inside? Oh look it's a hat but look it's not just any hat it's a crown, the crown of a king. At
 Christmas we remember the King of heaven came down, born as a baby just like you and I and the reason that King Jesus came was to help us become friends with God. So when you wear this hat at Christmas remember that on Christmas day a king was born who came to help you become best friends with God. The message of Christmas is that God loves us and Jesus is that message of love

Ok lets pull the next cracker. Count down 5..4..3..2..1..Bang! What's inside? Oh look it's a joke. Christmas jokes can be great fun but Christmas is no joke! The message of Christmas is that God's son King Jesus came to earth and was born as a baby, born as a baby just like you and I and the reason that King Jesus came was to help us become friends with God. The message of Christmas is that God loves us and Jesus is that message of love

So let's pull another cracker. Count down 5..4..3..2..1..Bang! What's inside? Oh look it's a gift. Everyone loves getting gifts at Christmas. Gifts were given on the first Christmas. When the wise men visited Jesus they gave him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrhh. The gift in this Christmas cracker reminds us that on the first Christmas God gave us the best present ever. He gave us the gift of Jesus. The gifts we receive at Christmas will eventually wear out or we'll get bored of them but the gift of Jesus lasts forever. The message of Christmas is that God's son King Jesus came to earth and was born as a baby, born as a baby just like you and I and the reason that King Jesus came was to help us become friends with God. The message of Christmas is that God loves us and Jesus is that message of love

Something to pray 

Ask the children to lie down  and close their eyes and say "I thank you Father God that you sent your son Jesus, the king of kings, born a baby, just like me, so that we could be friends with God forever. I believe that the Christmas is no joke but the message of love in Jesus that out lasts all other gifts." 

4 Easy Steps to help our children listen to God - Guidelines for Parent/Carers & Leaders

4 Easy Steps to help our children listen to God

All of us are made by God to know God and an important part of knowing God is being able to hear him. We believe that it is important from an early age to help our children grow in their ability to hear from God. This can be done as part of a normal prayer time at home or in a group, we hope the following pointers will help get you started!  

  1. Ask your child(ren) to sit down without distractions and tell them that we are going to listen to see if God has something to tell us
  2. Ask the child(ren) to close their eyes (to help them concentrate) and to place their hands out open in front of them (resting on knees for example). We put our hands out to show God that we are ready to receive something from him
  3. Parent/Leader to dictate prayer for the child(ren) to repeat after them - Father God, I am listening so please tell me something good!
  4. Leave 1/2 minutes quiet time and wait for God to speak! Then find out what he said!

Other Notes:
  •              Explain that God can speak in different ways. Sometimes we can hear him audibly but more often God speaks quietly into our hearts supported by what the Bible teaches. God also loves to speak to us through our imagination and therefore children can often see 'pictures' when they listen to God. You could ask them to imagine God is painting a picture and tell you what they see.
  • ·       We can all hear God speak because we are all his children and Jesus taught us that God is our heavenly father,  we just need to listen.
  • ·      There may be some children that find this time difficult. The expectation is that they all join in and have a go. They don't have to sit perfectly still or completely silent but just be ready to listen. Other leaders can be directed to support specific children and should be allowed to move around in specific cases.
  • ·      Don’t worry if the children do not hear anything the first time or even the first weeks or months! It is important that we keep persevering it is about teaching the children how to do it and creating a culture where it is normal to listen to God and we become expectant to hear him speak
  • ·      Write down anything exciting and let us know!

Thursday, 15 January 2015

No love is greater

Get Up And DanceHere are some actions that we've come up with to go with the song 'No Love is Greater' which is on the New Wine kids album 'Get up and Dance'! Click the link to watch the video...

No love is Greater

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Mini Church - Spring Term

Spring 1 Week 1 God has a plan for my life – God’s Promise to Abraham

Core activities: Blocks, cars & mat, dolls house, kitchen, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Baby dolls and pushchairs
Craft Table: Make Star hats from Paper plates
Tots & Mini Church CD
Hunt for stars. Hide different coloured stars around the room before the session begins. The children need to collect as many pairs of the same colour as they can – the child with the most pairs wins.
Have you ever broken a promise? Or has anyone ever broken a promise they made to you How did it make you feel?
Mr. Star was feeling sad. His friend had promised to come and play at his house but he had not come! Mr. Star’s mummy gave Mr. Star a BIG hug and reminded him that God never breaks his promises and told him a story about a man called Abraham. One day the Lord came to talk to Abraham. God promised Abram and his wife Sarah that one day they would be parents, even though they were old and had no children. God wasn't sure that Abraham understood.  So that night He took him outside, and said, "Do you see all the stars that are in the sky"?  When Abram looked up, the whole night sky was full of stars, so many in fact that he would never be able to count them.  Then God said, "That is how many children you will have". Some years later God told them again that they would be parents and that they would have a boy. This time Abraham laughed, we are too old! One day three visitors came to Abraham's house.  While the visitors were eating, they asked Abraham, "Where is your wife Sarah?"  Abraham thought this was a little strange, but he replied, "She's in the other room". Then one of the men spoke and said, "I will come back to see you at this time next year, and Sarah will have a son. Sarah said to herself, "How can I have a child, I'm almost one hundred years old?" Sure enough a year later Sarah had a son.  She and Abraham named him Isaac, which means "he laughs."  They were very excited, and remembered to thank God for Isaac. God kept his promise to Abraham!
Give each child a laminated star to stick up, write their names on each one. God made all the stars in the sky and he made each one of you and just like your mummy’s and daddy’s love to listen to you when you talk to them our father God loves it even more when we talk to him, he will never be too busy to listen! Thank you God that you listened to Abraham and that you kept your promise to him and Sarah. Pray and blessing over each child that they would know God love and follow Jesus.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission

Spring 1 Week 2 God has a plan for my life – Joseph the Dreamer
Core activities: Blocks, cars & mat, dolls house, kitchen, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Pharaoh dressing up/Crepe paper jail
Craft Table: Make an Egyptian Collar 
Tots & Mini Church CD
Try to drop Joseph into the well! Use a paper cup and a small figure. Children sit on the floor and attempt to drop Joseph into the well from the height of their arm.
Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you always get on with them? What do you like to do with your family?
Mr. Star had been fighting with his little brother! Mr. Star’s mummy told him that he should be kind to his brother and she told him a story about a man called Joseph whose brothers were very unkind to him. Joseph was sold to Potipher, an helper to the Pharaoh (king) of Egypt by his brothers. He was a slave, but the Lord was with Joseph and He helped him do everything right. So Potiphar made him his very important helper, and put him in charge of everything that he owned. But Potiphar's wife lied about Joseph to her husband, so Potiphar had Joseph put into jail. While he was in jail Joseph helped the prisoners to understand their dreams. Joseph was brought to Pharaoh. "Can you understand dreams?"  Pharaoh asked.  "Yes because God helps me."  Joseph replied.  Joseph helped Pharaoh to understand his dream and told him what to do. Pharaoh believed all that Joseph told him, and put him in charge of all the land of Egypt. People came from all countries to buy grain from Joseph, because the whole world was in need of food.  Some of those people were Joseph's brothers. Then Joseph said, "Come here.  I am your brother, the one you sold!  Do not worry, and do not be angry at yourselves for selling me, because God has put me here to save people from starving." God had a plan for Joseph even when bad things happened to him!
Joseph forgave his brothers even though they had been horrible to him. God had a plan and looked after him. Write the name of the child’s brother, sister or other family member if they are an only child on to a hand print, stick up and prayer for each of them by name, thanking God for giving them us and always looking after us even when things are hard. Pray and blessing over each child that they would know God love and follow Jesus.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission

 Spring 1 Week 3 God has a plan for my life – Moses’ Journey

Core activities: Blocks, cars & mat, dolls house, kitchen, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Making Manna with play dough
Craft Table: Make a flying quail
Tots & Mini Church CD
Catch the manna/quail – using laminated manna/quail children attempt to throw/catch manna & quail in a bucket. Can be made into a team game.
Look at different types of bread, describe the bread, touch, taste (check for allergies!) smell. What is their favourite?
Mr. Star was very hungry and tired! He was going to visit his Grandma and Grandpa and had been in the car for a long time! Mr. Star’s daddy promised that they would stop for something to eat and while they waited he told him about how God looked after a man called Moses when he and his friends had to make a long journey. Moses and his people had walked for weeks across the desert; they were walking to their new land that God had promised them. They were hungry and starting to grumble! God heard the people grumbling and said to Moses ‘Tell the people I will give them meat to eat every evening and bread every morning’. That evening flocks of birds, called quails landed on the people’s tents and they were easy to catch. So that night everyone ate roast quail! In the morning the ground was covered with small white seeds. The people collected them, ground them into flour made it into bread and baked it! They called the bread ‘manna’ because it was food which came from Heaven. It was very good to eat and tasted like honey! Every day the same thing happened. The people ate bread in the morning and roasted quail in the evening! God looked after the Hebrew people all the years they were travelling to their new land!
God will give us everything we need just like he gave Moses and his people everything they needed in the story. Use some visual aids – God gives us food (bread), our clothes (clothes) water to drink (water) but most of all he gives us love (laminated heart). Thank you God that you give us everything we need
Pray and blessing over each child that they would know God love and follow Jesus.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission

 Spring 1 Week 4 God has a plan for my life – David the Shepherd King

Core activities: Blocks, cars & mat, dolls house, kitchen, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Make shakers, cups with lids in the big tray and different seeds, objects to put inside the cups to make a new sound!
Craft Table: Making David’s harp
Tots & Mini Church CD
Play musical statues
What is your favourite musical instrument? Listen carefully to some different musical instruments, what do they sound like? Loud, quiet? Can you play them in different ways? Explore the instruments.
Mr Star was playing with his musical instruments one day, ‘I love making my own songs’ Mr Star said to his mum! His mum told Mr. Star about a little boy in the bible who loved to write songs to God – his name was David and he became an important King!  One day a man called Jesse was sent by King Saul to visit David’s family. Jesse was looking for the next King! Jesse met all of David’s brothers from the youngest to the oldest but couldn’t find the person God wanted to be the next King. David was out in the fields looking after his sheep when he was called to meet Jesse. God told Jesse that David was to be the next King, he was especially chosen by God! Even though David was the youngest in his family God chose him. He had a plan for David and he has a plan for you!
Give each child a ‘sticker’ which says ‘God has chosen me!’ Just like God chose David for a very special job God has also called us by name and chosen us to be his children. Thank you God you have chosen me and that I am very special to you – John 1. Pray and blessing over each child that they would know God love and follow Jesus.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission

Spring 1 Week 5 God has a plan for my life – Daniel and the Lions

Core activities: Blocks, cars & mat, dolls house, kitchen, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Wild animals in large sand tray/building dens for lions
Craft Table:
Tots & Mini Church CD
Play sleeping lions - All of the children (except one or two hunters – leaders to start with) lie down on the floor in sleeping positions. Once they are settled, they are not allowed to move. The hunters walk through the room and try to make the sleeping lions move by making them laugh, telling them jokes, and so on. The hunters are not allowed to touch the lions. Once the lions have moved, they get up and join the hunters.
Have you ever been to the zoo, an animal park or even on safari? Look at some pictures of animals that they might have seen.
Mr. Star and his family went to the Zoo. They saw lots of different animals but Mr. Star’s favourite animal was the lion! Mr. Star’s daddy told Mr. Star a story in the bible that had lots of lions in it and a brave man called Daniel. Daniel loved God and always talked to him and followed what God said. The King of a place called Babylon saw that Daniel was a good man and gave him a very important job to do. Lots of people were very jealous of Daniel. They told the King to make a new law so that anybody who disobeyed him would be thrown into a den of lions! The people who were jealous of Daniel spied on him and told the King that Daniel was praying to his God who he thought was greater than the king! This made the King very sad because he knew that he would have to punish Daniel and throw him into a pit of lions! In the pit of hungry lions Daniel still prayed to God and obeyed him even though everything was going wrong! The next day the King went to see what had happened to Daniel. Daniel was alive. God sent angels to close the lion’s mouths so they couldn’t hurt him!
God loved Daniel and when he was in trouble he helped Daniel, he stopped the lions from hurting him. God loves you (name each child by name). Ask the team, parents to bless each child asking God to keep them safe just like Daniel in our story. Pray and blessing over each child that they would know God love and follow Jesus.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission

 Spring 1 Week 6 God has a plan for my life – Jonah & the Big Fish

Core activities: Blocks, cars & mat, dolls house, kitchen, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Water play with sea animals in the big tray
Craft Table: Whale socks/collage paper plate whale
  Jonah and the Whale
Tots & Mini Church CD
Lucky dip! The whale has swallowed lots of things - but can you find the figurine of Jonah? Bucket filled with shredded paper
Ask children to put hands in the tray of water (gently!), what does it feel like? Is it cold, hot?
Mr . Star had been given a VERY important job to do! He had to give his mummy a very important message from his teacher at school! As soon as Mr. Star saw his mummy he told her his message. Mr. Star’s mummy told Mr. Star about a special person in the bible who also had the job of giving people important messages from God! His name was Jonah and he was a Prophet. One day Jonah had been told by God to go to a place called Ninevah. But Jonah didn’t want to go! He did not want to help the people in Ninevah because they were not nice people. Jonah thought ‘Why is God sending me to Ninevah to speak to people who don’t listen to him!’?  Jonah was very grumpy and decided to ignore God. He got on a boat and travelled across the sea away from Ninevah! But God had a different plan!  Because he loved the people in Ninevah so much he wanted to help them say sorry and live good lives so God sent a storm (Get the children to rock side to side, make storm noises using their instruments). Jonah realised that God wanted him to go to Ninevah so to stop the storm Jonah let the sailors throw him into the sea! The storm stopped and the sailors were safe. Jonah sank deep into the sea, where a big fish came and swallowed him up!  Jonah knew that God had sent the big fish ‘help me, help me!’ he prayed. The fish spat Jonah onto dry land and this time Jonah went to Ninevah. Jonah told the people of Ninevah that he had an important message from God and that they needed to stop all the bad things they were doing. The King heard the news and he ordered everyone to stop being bad. God forgave everyone.
God spoke to Jonah in our story. God loves to speak to us and we have to learn how to hear what he is saying. Let’s ask God to help us to be able to hear him when he speaks to us. Ask the children to touch their ears and ask adults to pray over each child that as they grow they will be able to hear God speak to them. Pray and blessing over each child that they would know God love and follow Jesus.
Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission