Friday, 10 October 2014

Jesus Heals

Something to say
Isn't it exciting when you hear good news stories of something amazing God has done? Ask the children if they have any good news stories. Perhaps you have a story you can share with the children.
When we hear stories of God’s power at work this helps build our faith to pray more and expect more.
Sometimes we need to be patient when we are praying for someone to be healed as God doesn't always answer our prayers in the way we expect.
In today’s story we’re reminded of how powerful Jesus is. He healed one woman how had been sick for a long time. Not 12 minutes, 12 days or even 12 months but for 12 years. Then he travels to Jairus’ house and raises his daughter from the dead. Jesus is so powerful!

Something to show
Invite the children to split into groups so that they can talk about the story with each other. Encourage them to take some quiet time and close their eyes and have a quiet chat with God, asking God to show them people they know who need Jesus’ healing power, family, friends or even themselves. Hand out some sticky notes, pens and crayons to each child. The children can then put a word, draw a picture, draw a person, a body part for the person that they want to ask Jesus to heal. Perhaps this person is feeling sad, or hurt, or angry. You could write a word to describe it or even the initial of their name.
(Gather children in a large circle, place Jesus in the centre for the children to focus on and have a time of prayer)
When everybody finished writing, play some quiet music and pull out a cardboard cut-out with the words Jesus written across. One group at a time can come forward and bring their sticky notes with their requests for healing - we then all stick the post it’s on the figure. These are our prayers to Jesus asking him to bring his healing power.

Something to pray
Jesus thank you that you are our friend and you know what is important to us. You know everything that is on these sticky notes. Thank you that you are a God who heals! We ask you to bring your healing power into the lives of all these people we have been thinking about. In Jesus name Amen!

A verse to remember

 ‘He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.’ Psalm 147v3

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