Daniel 6
Something to say
Daniel loved God very much and it was so important that he was prepared to break the law in order to keep following him. He prayed to God even though the king made a law that people should only pray to him. The punishment for breaking this law...death by hungry lions! A scary thought for anybody, so what would Daniel do? How was he going to escape? He would need super powers to get out of this one. Daniel trusted in somebody who really does have super powers and God rescued him. the book of Daniel reminds us that no matter what we face in life, we should trust in our super God.
Something to show
Dress up as a superhero and make up a superhero name. Invite the children to come up with ideas about what sort of super powers your superhero might have. Use a fun super hero story like 'Charlie's superhero underpants' or something similar to continue the theme of super powers. Children can relate well to superheroes and the special powers they have. God has super powers and unlike our favourite superhero, he's real and can really help us.
Something to pray
The Bible says that the lions had power but that God was able to rescue Daniel for he is more powerful. God wants us to follow him which is great but it's hard. He wants to help us to follow him and he is more powerful than we can begin to imagine. Whatever is hard, whatever is painful, whatever makes us afraid, whatever makes us cry, god is powerful enough to help. Invite the children to think about the things they find hard or any trouble they are facing. God has super powers so lets ask for him to come to our rescue.
A verse to remember
He resuces us and he saves: he perfoms signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth. He has recued Daniel from the power of the lions. Daniel 6:27
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