1 Samuel 16
Something to say
The things we choose are very important (jenga blocks, very important to remove the right one) If you were choosing a king, what kind of person would you want? Brave? Strong? Eloquent? Clever? Grown up? But God chooses differently, he chose David. God told Samuel to find his chosen king. David didn't look like someone you'd choose to be a king - on the outside he was little and young. Not impressive, smelly shepherd! God knew his heart was like God's and that he'd obey God and be a good king. He wasn't a good king because chose him, it was the other way round! David didn't do anything to prove himself or earn being a king, God chose him just like he chooses us. He chooses us because he loves us.
Something to show
Make some paper crowns and write on them things the children are chosen for. 'Leading others in worship' 'Praying for others' 'Being friends with the lonely kid' 'helping' 'being generous'. Explain that David was chosen to be king when he really little and in the same way we are chosen to do things now, we don't have to wait until we are older. Go around and place crowns on different kids heads explaining they can be chosen for the thing that's written on it (this works even better if you put the crown on a child who you believe has a certain calling or gift!)
Something to pray
Get the children to be still and ask God to show them what they are chosen to do. Pray, God we thank you that you choose us because you love us. Holy Spirit come and show us what it is we are chosen to do and help us with that. Amen
A verse to remember
You did not choose me, but I chose you. John 15:16
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