Sunday, 27 April 2014

God picked me

1 Samuel 16

Something to say
The things we choose are very important (jenga blocks, very important to remove the right one) If you were choosing a king, what kind of person would you want? Brave? Strong? Eloquent? Clever? Grown up? But God chooses differently, he chose David. God told Samuel to find his chosen king. David didn't look like someone you'd choose to be a king - on the outside he was little and young. Not impressive, smelly shepherd! God knew his heart was like God's and that he'd obey God and be a good king. He wasn't a good king because chose him, it was the other way round! David didn't do anything to prove himself or earn being a king, God chose him just like he chooses us. He chooses us because he loves us.

Something to show
Make some paper crowns and write on them things the children are chosen for. 'Leading others in worship' 'Praying for others' 'Being friends with the lonely kid' 'helping' 'being generous'. Explain that David was chosen to be king when he really little and in the same way we are chosen to do things now, we don't have to wait until we are older. Go around and place crowns on different kids heads explaining they can be chosen for the thing that's written on it (this works even better if you put the crown on a child who you believe has a certain calling or gift!)

Something to pray
Get the children to be still and ask God to show them what they are chosen to do. Pray, God we thank you that you choose us because you love us. Holy Spirit come and show us what it is we are chosen to do and help us with that. Amen

A verse to remember
You did not choose me, but I chose you. John 15:16

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Good Friday for Tots

Here is what we did with our Tots on Good Friday to help them explore what Jesus did for us. Feel free to use our ideas.

St Barnabas Tots Church – Good Friday 2014

Theme: Light & Dark
Room: Praise baby creation DVD

Aim of the session: The free flow session is designed to help the children explore the theme of light and dark through a range of specially designed hands on play activities. Using the story ‘Can’t you sleep little bear’ as a starting point for the theme the leaders will have the opportunity to meet the children in their different play activities and use open ended questions to help the children think more about and make links to Jesus and the meaning of Easter to them.

Activities 11.30am-12.30pm (1 leader per activity)

Focus Activity: Story Telling Corner
Set up: a soft area in one of the corners of the room where the children will enjoy listening to a story. Invite small groups of children throughout the whole session to come and listen to the story ‘Can’t you sleep little bear’ by the end of the session all the children should have visited story telling corner.

Leader: Read the story ‘Can’t you sleep little Bear’ by Martin Waddell
Ask the children what was wrong with Little Bear in the story? Why couldn’t he go to sleep? Ask the children to close their eyes tightly and then open them again. What is different when our eyes are open, what can we see? Talk about how light helps us see clearly, shows the way and makes things bright. Read John 8:12 aloud: ‘Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”’Remind the children that we need light to help us see clearly, just like Little Bear in our story. Tell them that Jesus helps us to know how to live and how to understand things ,just as light help us see things in the dark .Explain to the children that we call Jesus ‘light’ because he shows us how to live his way, he helps us understand things, makes us happy.

Play Activity 1. The Bear Cave

Set up: a dark den for our bear cave, make this large enough to be the focal point of the room and not too dark as young children may be a little weary. In the cave decorate with shiny objects such as hanging CDs, non toxic glow sticks or other appropriate shiny material, perhaps LED lights. Inside the cave have a selection of torches, lights that the children can use in the den to look around and see what happens as they catch the different materials in the light. Fill the cave with small soft bear toys that they can look for.

Play Activity 3 - Craft Table
Set up: Large black craft paper A3, white chalk, silver, gold chunky crayons, silver and gold star stickers. Silver, gold glitter pens for the night pictures and for the day, paper plates with yellow and gold collage material and strips of yellow for the rays. Other suggested crafts from Baker Ross – paper lanterns, acrylic mirrors, tea light holders for older children.

Play Activity 4 – Building a bear den/cave
Set up: using a selection of different size boxes and fabric, blankets, the children can build a cave for their bear, provide larger Soft toy bears for role play.

Play Activity 5: Tough Spot/messy play tray - mirrored
Set up: Play tray with the mirror insert (from TTS) put on it a selection of ‘treasure’ perhaps hidden in sand on the tray. Shiny objects they can collect (but not too small that they can eat!) use coloured sand and little jewels from Baker Ross.

Baby soft play area (0-18 months)- toys & mirrors
Set up: In the usual soft play baby area, have the usual selection of toys but some mirrors for the babies to look at and explore.

Group Time 12.30pm-1pm – Outdoor
Children to be taken outside into the bungalow garden weather permitting. Below are suggestions of games and songs that could be done in this time followed by a drink and a biscuits. Finish with a ‘hunt’ around the garden to find their Easter gift to take home.

Reach for the Stars
Have the children pretend to catch stars. Ask them how many stars they caught. 

Mister Sun
Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun, (Place hands over head to form sun) Please shine down on me. (Wiggle fingers while moving hands down) Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,(Place hands over head to form sun) Hiding behind the tree. (Place hands over eyes) These little children are asking you, (Points to children) To please come out so we can play with you. (I don't know sign) Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,(Place hands over head to form sun) Please shine down on,(Wiggle fingers while moving hands down) Won't you shine down on,(Wiggle fingers while moving hands down) Please shine down on me.(Point at self) 

Star Light, Star Bright
Star Light, Star Bright First star I see tonight, Wish I may, Wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star....

Light of the world

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Good Friday follow on

Here is a copy of the takeaway that families will receive tomorrow. It contains ideas for helping your family think more about Easter this weekend and celebrate what Jesus has done. Let us know how you get on.

Jesus said ‘Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.’ John 8v12

Good Friday in Tots Church…
Today we have been exploring the theme of light and dark using the story ‘Can’t you sleep little bear’ by Martin Waddell to help us. Through lots of activities about light and dark we have been thinking more about how Good Friday was a dark day but Jesus is the light and that’s what we celebrate today.

At home...
If you would like to continue this theme at home over the Easter period here are some ideas you might like to try – have fun!

  • Decorate your wooden cross tea light holder with an adult and use it as a focal point for Easter prayers
  • When opening your Easter eggs think about the empty tomb  
  • Dead or Alive? Put together a selection of seeds, bulbs, dried flowers, , dead pot plant, to help introduce the idea of death and dying
  • Plant cress seeds in a yoghurt pot (cotton wool, water) to illustrate new life as the dull and dry seeds grow into cress
  • Paint pictures using purples, greys, deep blues and reds for the children to express sad or serious feelings.
  • Make or buy hot cross buns – explain that when people eat these it reminds them of Jesus being put on the cross on Good Friday.
  • Think about new life; egg hunt, fun with craft feathers, make Easter chicks. Play lots of active games to show they are alive; heads, shoulders, knees and toes!
  • Create an Easter picture using bright colours to show how we feel about Jesus being alive!
  • Talk about how we feel when we receive good news and that makes us happy
  • Make a traditional Easter decoration from Sweden. Push a branching twig into play dough, decorate and hang card Easter egg shapes from the branches using ribbon. Label with Jesus is Alive!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Fun animation for the family

BWM_PosterAfter reading a review of this video in Children's Work magazine I couldn't resist watching it for myself. I have come across Taylormation before and am encouraged to see a UK based animation studio producing material that is funny, relevant and to a high standard. They have a very veggie tales feel to them without the America. I thought this new episode was a lot of fun and is rounded off well with a good message. See for yourself at

Tuesday, 15 April 2014


With over 470 attending SpringFest last month, we had such an amazing time. Here are some pictures to give you an idea of how much fun it was. If you missed it this time be sure to come along to AutumnFest October 19th.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Listen to God

Joshua 3 and 6

Something to say
Recap the story. Ask the children what the first thing Joshua did was? He listened to God! Ask the children what else could Joshua have done? He could have made a bomb, got scared and ran away, decide to fight....there are endless answers. Reinforce that Joshua chose to listen to God. God gave Joshua a very odd battle plan but Joshua trusted God and led the Israelites round the walls. God's plan worked!

Something to show
Ask for 4 volunteers. Split them into pairs and give one child in each pair a piece of paper with a simple sentence on it like 'listen to the voice of God'. Send one pair into a quiet corner of the room. With the other pair, keep one child next to you and send the other child (the one with the piece of paper) as far away as possible. Explain that on the count of three you want both the children with the pieces of paper to read out the sentence so their partner can hear the message. Get the rest of Kids Church to also shout really loudly at the same time! After the challenge ask the pair who were next to each other whether they successfully passed on the message. they should have done as even over Kids Church shouting they were right next to each other! Now ask the child who is stood next to you whether they heard their partner reading out the message. They shouldn't have heard it as the partner was too far away and Kids Church were shouting.
Explain this is what listening to God is like. The further away we are from God the harder it is to hear him. We need to be in a relationship with him, get close to him, know him so we can hear his voice.

Something to pray
Get the children to practice listening to God by asking God a question such as 'how much do you love me?'. Then ask them to think of a problem they have like Joshua had a problem. Explain that they can choose to do what Joshua did and listen to what God says about it. Listen to God again asking him what he wants them to do. Pray God would speak to them and that he would help them.

A verse to remember
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105