Wednesday, 3 December 2014

“Jesus is bigger than our fears” Mark 4:35-41

Some fish
4 blankets
Jesus Story book bible DVD “Jesus calms the storm”

Something to say
We all tend to worry about different stuff, some big stuff and some little stuff. What am I going to have for dinner, will I make it into the football team, will my mum buy me that new jumper/pair of trainers I want, what would I get for Christmas, will I pass my exams, what if I get that question wrong?

Q: What are you worried about? Ask the children and see what they say, encouraging them as they say it.
Now we’re going to watch a story about when Jesus’s followers got REALLY scared. What do you think Jesus did?

Something to show
Show the DVD “Jesus Calms the storm”

Something to do:
Once the DVD is finished, act out the scene by getting a blanket for the boat, three for the ‘lake’ ‘storm’. Ask for someone to volunteer to be Jesus and for three volunteers to play the ‘friends’ in the boat who were scared. Make swishy water noise for waves and (cant hear you!!! Louder!!!), pop the fish in the blankets when the waves are high for fun effect and ask Jesus to “calm the storm” when the swishy noises will get quieter and quieter and quieter.... 

Something to do:
Ask the children to split into 3 and create a big picture of the boat, putting inside the boat all their fears such as spiders, sharks, snakes etc.

Something to pray Ask the children to sit and close their eyes. Ask them to think about the things that worry them, all the things that bother them, no matter how big or how small. Now ask them to picture God there with them, and ask them to hand over all their worries and concerns to him and trust him to take them away.

Memory Verse: "When I am afraid, I will trust in you." Psalm 56:3

“Jesus Loves Everyone” Luke 19

·         Pictures of Despicable me characters
·         World map
·         Flipchart and pen
·         Jesus storybook bible “The man who didn’t have any friends (none)”

Something to Say
Today we’re going to talk about friends and I wanted to ask:
·         Who has a best friend?
·         What do you like about your best friend? (walk around and repeat what the group says)
We’re going to do a quiz to see if you would like to be the best friend of the following people:

Something to Show: Baddies v’s Goodies Despicable me Game:
Has anyone seen Despicable me? 1 and 2?
We’re going to play a game and I need your help! We’re going to see what we think –who would like to be the best friend of: (put up Despicable me pics). Let’s have some votes! Write on a flipchart the votes for each of the characters - Tally up the scored votes to see who is more popular, (Agnes scores the most on both occasions!)
·         Agnes: Sweet and cute
·         Margo: Smart and caring
·         Gru: is a convicted criminal and now wants to steel the moon (imagine Gru from the start of Despicable me 1)
·         Dr Nefario: is helping Gru to steel the moon
·         Vector: is a convicted criminal who has stolen the Pyramids
But what happens to the baddies (like Gru at the beginning). Who wants to be their friend? What do you think Jesus would say to these baddies? Lets watch a story about a man who stole and didn’t have any friends. Let’s see what Jesus does...

A story about a man who stole...
Let’s watch a story about a man who didn’t have any friends...
·         Title “The man who didn’t have any friends (none)”
·         The Story of Zacchaeus The tax collector  Luke 19
WOW! Even though he stole from people, even though people didn’t like him because he stole from them and kept the money, *he recognised who Jesus was* and he saw that what he had done was wrong. He promised to pay back to people FOUR times the amount he owed them! Jesus loved Zacchaeus and cared for him, even though he had done bad things. *Jesus still had time for him and wanted to be his friend even when no-one else did! You see, Jesus loves everyone!*

Something to Pray:
·         Pray for people in the world who do bad things like steeling from the poor, to know Jesus, and to know what they are doing is wrong. Jesus loves us no matter what we do, He just asks for us to be his friend.
·         Put out the world map and get children to pray for each of the countries if they need help add “Dear Jesus, we pray for people who steal from the poor to know you and know what they are doing is wrong”
·         Ask the children to lie down and ask the Holy Spirit to come. See what words and pictures He gives the children. Recap in a group.

A verse to remember:  Ephesians 2: 8-9 “for it is by Grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the Gift of God, not by works, so that no-one can boast”

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Let the children come

Something to say:
Matthew 18-19, Mark 10, Luke 18
The disciples were arguing over who was the best and most important in the kingdom. When some children approached Jesus, the disciples tried to send them away but Jesus said no and to let them come to him. He told the disciples that the children were the most important because of their child-like hearts. The children knew they didn’t need to be rich or clever or important to be loved by Jesus. We matter to Jesus and he loves us exactly as we are...children!

To show:
- The job interview drama
- The art exhibition drama
- The ballot voting drama
Jesus is nothing like the people in these drama's, he says that we need to children!

To pray:
- That we would continue to dance and sing and be joyful because Jesus welcomes us all as children!

*Setup table, big chair on one side, small on the other, without saying a word, gesture a child to come up and sit on the small chair*
"Hello candidate 3056. Please say your name for the benefit of everyone here.. you may sit down..

Now, first of all. I want to be clear about the job that you are applying for. This job, is a very important job, one that our company takes very seriously. So we need a good worker, who is very skilled, who will work hard, and is very, very.. very, serious.

Now. When you applied for this job I notice you wrote your on the application form that your name was 'Mickey Mouse'. *hold up the application form with massive letters*. Now I have already asked you your name, and it wasn't Mickey Mouse was it? So my first question to you, is. Why did you give your name as Mickey Mouse?.. lead them into 'so this was just a spelling mistake then?' Ok, very well then. We all make mistakes... sometimes.. but in this company we don't accept mistakes!!! Your flying dangerously low my friend!! Dangerously low!

Right, you have also written here that you are very good at animal impressions. Is this true? I want proof. What animal impressions can you do? Let's see some. Hmmmm.. I'm going to write 'is "OK" at animal impressions here'.

Now one final question, your age. How old are you? You see.. we have very strict policy in this company *show diagram*, the oldest person is always the most important here you see. So you, being ... years old, will be at the bottom of the company. Where as me, being 25 years old. I will be at the very top. And it's important that you never think of yourself as being more important than you are you see? How do you feel about that?

Right! Well that's the end of this job interview, I'm afraid you have not got the job on account of your being too young and too much fun. This job is for someone older and less fun.

*Setup second situation, object on chair under cloth. Put on bodyguard shades and start preventing the kids from being able to see the object under the cloth*

"Do any of you lot actually want to see the ancient artefact of Pharaoh? *choose 3*

"Right then, line up here for me. Now, you at the front. What's your name? Do you know how much money this ancient artefact is worth? *Take guesses* It's worth, 9 bazillion dollars! So if you really want to take a look at it. You're gonna need to have a lot of money! How much money have you got then?" I want proof/that's not nearly enough to see the ancient artefact! This artefact is for rich people only. Those people who can really understand how important the artefact is. Art, is not for the likes of you poor people etc, eventually shoo them away.

*set up scenario 3* "Welcome all you council members to the big vote! We are gathered here today, to decide whether or not to destroy the local park in order to build a car park" *conduct voting with hands up and hands down* "so you have voted against cutting down the local forest. But you know what, I already spoke with the mayor and he said he wants to cut down the forest so we're going to do it anyway because his opinion is most important here. Your opinion doesn't matter I'm afraid.

* Take off suit, scenarios finished *
- So what do you think of the man with the tie, the security guard with  the glasses and the mayor of the town?

I think Jesus wouldn't be too impressed with their attitude, a bit like the disciples really!
- Recap the story
* Go around opening up each situation by tearing paper/revealing the artefact, revoking the ballot etc

- What do you think Jesus loves about you?
- I've got loads of things that I love about you:
- Fearless
- Honest
- No money (you trust and depend on parent/guardian)
- Respect for the leader
- A teachable heart
- No holding back!! (worship)
- Humble (you know what that means?)
- He says we should all be like that, he is our too father don't forget!
- And he takes your opinion seriously. What you think matters to Jesus. I know us adults aren't always as good at listening to you guys but remember that what you think is important. It really matters. The mayor of the town doesn't know what he's talking about.
- Jesus absolutely loves you!!
- Pray

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Offering in Kids Church

Our fabulous offering pot 'Milky' the milk machine died recently (broken I mean) and we have been looking for a replacement to help encourage our kids to get into a good habit of being generous with their money (1 Chronicles 21.24) and use some of it to worship God, a practice that is more common to us as adult Christians. We challenged the kids to design their own 'offering' pot to use in Kids Church and this is what one of them came up with. Meet "The Money Machine"...

Monday, 10 November 2014

God looks after us

Matthew 5.25-34 

Something to say
We all tend to worry about different stuff, some big stuff and some little stuff. What am I going to have for dinner, will I make it into the football team, will my mum buy me that new jumper/pair of trainers I want, what would I get for Christmas, will I pass my exams, what if I get that question wrong? But Jesus tells us not to worry about anything. He said to look at the world all around us and see how he provides for us and everything in it. He provides for all creation, the animals, the birds, the flowers - They don't worry and he provides for them and they look beautiful and have what they need. He provides for them because he loves them.

But you know what God loves most in all of creation? It's man – you and me. He loves us most and sent his son to come and save us. Jesus said something amazing - he said that if God provided for and took care of all the birds and all the flowers and gave them all they needed to survive and be beautiful, how much more would he do for us who are his number one creation. So we shouldn't worry God takes care of us. The people who worry are those who do not know about God and his amazing love for us.

Something to show
Pick some different flowers or buy a bunch of flowers to show the children how beautiful the flowers look. Do the flowers looked worried? Show a picture of a bird or bring a soft toy bird to show the children. Does the bird looked worried about what they will eat? The bible says that God cares for the flowers of the field and the birds of the air. How much more will he care for us?

Something to pray
 Ask the children to sit and close their eyes. Ask them to think about the things that worry them. All the things that bother them, no matter how big or small. Now ask them to picture God there with them, and ask them to hand over all their worries and concerns to him and trust him to take them away. Now ask them to picture a field of flowers in the summer, all beautiful and swaying – if God has taken care of the worries of these flowers, we can trust him to take care of our worries and concerns.

Filled Full!

Something to say:
Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9
In this story there were lots of people that needed feeding. A boy offered Jesus his packed lunch. It was something really small (5 loaves and 2 fish). It was all he had to offer but Jesus turned it into something great, a meal for 5000 people! It was an incredible miracle. When we offer ourselves to God (even if all we have is something small) he can use us to do great things!

Something to show:
The Superhero Groups see below - we all have our powers, but God will use us whatever! It doesn't matter who you are, what your skills, what you've done or where you come from, he'll pick you!

To pray:
For the courage to put our hand up and be used by God. For the faith to step out and know that he will provide, and for the eyes to see beyond the 'groups'

- Grouping games
- Video 1st Half
- Superskillz
- Video 2nd Half
- Jesus uses us all, superskillz or not!
- Pray for the superhero next to you
- Finish

(Dressed as a superhero). Good morning kids church! And welcome to my school for superheroes! *do silly actions*. Now as I look around this room I can definitely see a lot of superhero potential, I can see superpowers that have remained undiscovered until now. But this morning we are going to find your super power, bring it out, and even think of a cool name to go with it!

So to begin day one of your superhero training I'd like to start with something a little different, and for that I need you all to get onto your feet because I have a few challenges!

• 1: The first challenge I have for you, is to get into a line in order of how tall you are. So I want the tallest at one end and the smallest at the other end. You've got 60 seconds go go go!!!

Right fantastic work, now you (tallest) come sit here, and you (smallest) come and sit here. You two don't need to take part in the next challenges.

• 2: For the second challenge I'd like you all to get in a line in order of age, the oldest at this end and the youngest at this end, don't worry about the months just the year.

Good work everyone, now you (oldest) and you (youngest) can sit here please. You don't need to take part in the next challenges.

• 3: Now, for the next challenge I'd like to see how high you can jump. So on 3, I'd like you all to jump as high as you can! (Same again, highest, lowest)

• 4: Running (fastest and slowest)
• 5: Most breakfast  (least and most)

Feel free to add other superpowers 

Tallest, smallest, oldest, youngest, highest jump, lowest jump, fastest, slowest, most breakfast, least breakfast!

Right, now that you're all grouped up this is perfect timing because we have just received an emergency incoming transmission! *Play first half of video* (Jesus story book bible 'Filled Full)

Right guys, the situation is that there are 5000 people on the hill, they've been there listening to Jesus all day and need feeding but we haven't got any food. This is going to be a tough one, we need to see what skills everyone has, let's start over here.

Take a look at this, we have our tall guy here. What kind of things can they do because they're so tall? What advantages do they have?
* Reach high places, look out for trouble

Ok very good, you can sit down for me, now how about our small guy here? So maybe they can't reach the high places, but being small has its advantages, can you guys suggest what advantages they might have?
* Nippy!! Quick on there feet

Get the children to think of advantages for all the different children


*quick, has energy, can help the elderly

Highest jump
*can escape from tricky places, climb out of trouble

Lowest jump
*can get through small gaps

*can escape from trouble

*is careful, cautious
Most breakfast:
*good at finishing the plate- can always be relied on

Least breakfast:
*good at storing food, like a squirrel- never greedy

Ok fantastic, so I think we've got this sorted guys. We can feed these 5000 people with our super skills. But hang on, I'm just receiving another incoming transmission. Let's see what happened next! *Play rest of video*

So.. that little boy. With his little lunch box who would have thought that he could feed 5000 people! I mean he's just a little guy with a little lunchbox right? That's like me trying to feed everyone in this room with a rice crispy! It's madness! How could the little guy, with his little lunch box possibly help? I thought he would need our speed runner and our high jumper.

But here's the thing; that little boy was just like all of us! He didn't look any different to anyone else. Didn't wear a cool cape or have a superhero name. But what he did have was a heart that God could use! He was ready to be used by God wasn't he? It didn't matter what skills he did or did not have. God just needed someone who was happy to serve him. You see when God looks at all of us at the tallies and the smallies, the big eaters and the small eaters, the high jumper and the low jumpers. And he absolutely loves those things about us. But you know what, even if you didn't have those things he would still love you and still wants to use us to do great things for him. All he asks for is a heart that says yes!

- Bring group together

Turn to the superhero next to you, and pray with me...Jesus thank you that you love (name) and you have a plan to use them for your great work, help them to have a heart that says YES to you!

Monday, 13 October 2014

Jesus chooses us

Matthew 4v1-22

Something to say

After Jesus was baptised he went into the dessert and there the devil came to him to tempt him and try and distract him from what he had come to the world to do. He tried to get Jesus to disobey God just like he did to with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden – but Jesus didn't fall for it. Jesus was set on doing God’s will. He had a mission just like a super hero and was going to accomplish it, but to do this he was going to need some people to help him along the way (ask the kids about their favourite super heroes or characters and their sidekicks – e.g. batman and robin, Jake and the Neverland pirates etc).

Jesus went out and asked 12 ordinary people to follow him on his mission. He chose them to be his helpers – these are the people we know as the 12 disciples. At the time it didn't seem like there was anything special or extraordinary about these guys – they were fishermen mostly, but they obeyed Jesus because they realised they needed him and that was all Jesus was looking for. Jesus chooses us, not because of how we look, or how good we are, or because we are the best at football, or the best dancer, he chooses us because he loves us.

Something to show
Choose a couple of children to come up front. Their mission is to save the world and ask them to choose 3 or 4 people to be on their team as their helpers. They can choose anyone (fictional, real life, dead, alive etc) Ask them to give the reasons why they have chosen each person (e.g. maybe superman because he can fly). Now explain to them that God chooses us for a very different reason. He does not look at the outside, or our abilities, nor does he choose us because we have been good. He chooses us because he loves us.

Something to pray
Lead the children in a prayer and for them ask God to show them that they are chosen by Him, because he loves them. Ask God to remind them of this truth always and to let them know that they are always special to God and it is not based on any other thing than the love God has for them.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Listen to Jesus

Matthew 3

Something to say
John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus and told people that they needed to be rescued. John baptised people and one day Jesus asked to be baptised too. As he came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit came on Jesus in the form of a dove and God spoke, telling everyone that this was his son who he was really pleased with. Later on when Jesus is transfigured on the mountain God told everyone to listen to him. Do we listen to what Jesus tells us?

Something to show
Hello class, my name is Professor Eisenstein! Now I know some of you have come a very long way to get here today, just so that you can see my new invention. And I can understand why you would travel so far to see my invention because it will absolutely revolutionise the way that we listen and speak to each other.
I call my invention: *unveil* the two-can, one-string, long-range, talk-a-tron3000! Pretty snappy don’t you think?
Now, in order to demonstrate my new invention, who would like to be my wonderful assistant? You there, come on over here. Take this (can), and walk to the corner of the classroom. You have the easy job, your job will be talking.
Now I need another volunteer. You have got the hard job, the dangerous job. What I'd like you to do is to LISTEN! Now unlike speaking, which only requires your mouth, for listening we'll need some specialist safety equipment to ensure there is no cheating! *one at a time* These safety headphones and glasses will help make sure that there is no cheating. *Once headphones are on, mime; "Can you hear me?"
Oh good that's working then.
Now it is of the up most importance, that you keep the line between you nice and tight! Right, I'm going to show you a word over there. And I would like you to speak that word into the can. You need to listen carefully into the other can... to see if you can work out what word they are saying.
*do this three times*
So I know what you're all thinking. This is a pretty amazing invention. But it only works across the room right? That's not so impressive. Well let me tell you, that I have ambitions beyond one room. You see, by adding more string we could get it between two rooms! What do you think?
Ok, but remember if I add more string I could do it between two buildings! And more still, maybe it could work across two countries! Can you imagine that? Being able to talk and listen to someone who is thousands of miles away?! Now that would be pretty incredible wouldn't it? Truly revolutionary!

But there's still one thing I want to do with it, but I can't quite work out how. How I can use my device to listen to Jesus.

You see, I was reading a story earlier today about a man named John the Baptist. And in that story, this man Jesus came to John and asked him if he could be baptised. When he was baptised, the bible says the heavens opened and a dove came down and landed on this chap Jesus and a massive voice came from heaven saying 'This is my Son with whom I am well pleased, listen to him'

Now I've heard many different voices in my time, some through the one-string, two-can, long-range, talk-a-tron3000, some face to face like I'm talking to you now, but I have never heard a voice come from the heavens before! Now that's a voice I'd like to listen to. But it doesn't stop there because I’ve heard even more incredible stories about this man Jesus, miracles that he has performed, people whose lives have been totally changed by listening to him. And that got me thinking; how can I listen to this man Jesus? Because he's definitely a man worth listening to, very wise, I mean the heavens themselves even said so. But the problem is that I hear he went up to heaven, and I can't get my two-can... to reach the heavens?

So I'm a bit stumped with that one. Have any of you heard of this man Jesus? How do you listen to Jesus? Do you use a one-string, two-can...? No? How do you do it then?

So you're saying I don't need an invention to listen to him? I can simply read from the bible? Or even just pray and listen to him?

Well I guess I won't need these then! *throws one-string away and spins around* now in my normal voice* what did you think of that then huh? Professor Eisenstein. Pretty smart guy? You know as I walked in here I heard you giving him some advice about listening to Jesus. That sounded great because it's not always easy to listen is it? We like to talk. But look at you guys listening to me now, you're really good listeners.

Something to pray
Ask the children to touch their ears. Jesus help us to be good listeners to take time to listen to you just as we do with our friends and family, because what you say is very important.
Leave some time and space for the children to listen to Jesus and share what he is saying.

A verse to remember
“This is my son, whom I love. Listen to him.” Mark 9v7

Jesus Heals

Something to say
Isn't it exciting when you hear good news stories of something amazing God has done? Ask the children if they have any good news stories. Perhaps you have a story you can share with the children.
When we hear stories of God’s power at work this helps build our faith to pray more and expect more.
Sometimes we need to be patient when we are praying for someone to be healed as God doesn't always answer our prayers in the way we expect.
In today’s story we’re reminded of how powerful Jesus is. He healed one woman how had been sick for a long time. Not 12 minutes, 12 days or even 12 months but for 12 years. Then he travels to Jairus’ house and raises his daughter from the dead. Jesus is so powerful!

Something to show
Invite the children to split into groups so that they can talk about the story with each other. Encourage them to take some quiet time and close their eyes and have a quiet chat with God, asking God to show them people they know who need Jesus’ healing power, family, friends or even themselves. Hand out some sticky notes, pens and crayons to each child. The children can then put a word, draw a picture, draw a person, a body part for the person that they want to ask Jesus to heal. Perhaps this person is feeling sad, or hurt, or angry. You could write a word to describe it or even the initial of their name.
(Gather children in a large circle, place Jesus in the centre for the children to focus on and have a time of prayer)
When everybody finished writing, play some quiet music and pull out a cardboard cut-out with the words Jesus written across. One group at a time can come forward and bring their sticky notes with their requests for healing - we then all stick the post it’s on the figure. These are our prayers to Jesus asking him to bring his healing power.

Something to pray
Jesus thank you that you are our friend and you know what is important to us. You know everything that is on these sticky notes. Thank you that you are a God who heals! We ask you to bring your healing power into the lives of all these people we have been thinking about. In Jesus name Amen!

A verse to remember

 ‘He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.’ Psalm 147v3

Monday, 15 September 2014

A message for our 0-5's leaders

Watch our short video to find out what's so special about serving our 0-5's.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Tots & Mini Church Team Leader Guidelines

Tots & Mini Church Team Leader Guidelines

1.    Prepare – the session plans are available on the blog. Practice the story and the worship before the session. Worship songs are suggested on the plans to accompany each theme, choose 2 or 3 for your session. Where needed actions can be incorporated, be as creative as you like!
2.    Be Creative – include your own visual aids, resources to accompany the session.
3.    Get to know your team - remind your team when it is your week and encourage them to arrive early when possible to help set up and pray. Follow them up gently if they miss a session without contacting you.
4.    Allow time - arrive in plenty of time to set up the room with care so to create a welcoming environment.
5.    Pray - with the other members of your team present before the start of the session and encourage one another to pray throughout the week for the children and the team.
6.    Delegate – designate leaders to specific areas of the room or to specific children if appropriate. For example; it is often helpful to have an adult specifically for the craft table or to support a child with any additional needs. As the team leader it is important that you are free to oversee the session.
7.    Be flexible - Use the session outline as a guide for the timings but use your judgement if things need to be shortened, extended or moved around. Larger numbers, upset children and other unexpected factors can often impact a session and require changes to be made.
8.    Communicate – take five minutes while tidying up to evaluate the session with your team and to give them positive feedback. Where appropriate feedback to the children’s and families staff particularly with any concerns. Whiteboards in the rooms can be used to leave messages when people are not available.
9.    Be Safe – follow all St. Barnabas safeguarding policy and guidelines. This includes carrying out things like registration correctly even when we are familiar with many of our parents.

10. Have Fun!

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Tots & Mini Church Team – The Essential 10 Top Tips

1.    Read all Child safeguarding policies and the more detailed guidelines for leaders and volunteers at /

2.    Know your rota, if you can’t make it let your team leader know well in advance. If you swap with someone else please let the leader know you have done this.

3.    Arrive early/on time – this is in order for you to help set up, find out what the group is doing during that particular session and to pray before the children arrive.

4.    Dress appropriately. Wear a team T-Shirt throughout the session. Don’t wear your best clothes for being with little ones. Footwear especially important as you will be expected to run around with the children.

5.    Welcome the children eagerly and warmly. Try to learn and remember their names. Focus on the children during the session. We are there to help them and ensure they have a good time. Catch up with each other after the service.

6.    Fill the parents with confidence, if they are worried about leaving their child or their child is upset. Assure them that the child soon settles when they have left.  Find out if there is a reason why the child may be particularly upset that week. If a child hasn’t settled after about half an hour check with leader on whether to contact parent.

7.    Check that, if potty trained, the children have been taken to the toilet before session their parent/carer. If a baby needs changing during the session their parent/carer should be asked to do it.

8.    Join in the activities with the children enthusiastically. Enjoy being a child again yourself for a short while. Know the songs and actions and join in.

9.    Stay to help clear up after session. All the rooms need hoovering, chairs stacked away and tables folded away. All toys should be put away in the cupboards.

10. Pray for Tots and Mini Church children during the week.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Tots Church (0-2) Autumn term 1 - God Made Me

Autumn 1 Week 1 - God Made Light & Dark
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Bear cave with soft bears
Craft Table: Black paper, chunky silver, gold crayons and stickers
Suggested Worship(2): What a Great Creator, Special, I’m going to clap my hands, Big family of God, The wiggle song, The Statue Song, Let your light shine, The Lion’s Roar, Night Song
Mr Star was looking out of his bedroom window last night at bedtime and he could see some shiny things up in the sky – does anyone know what they could have been? Yes, the moon and stars. His mummy read him a bedtime story from his Bible which told him all about how the stars got up in the sky.
(open/show Bible) It was very dark before God made the world. He wanted the world to look beautiful, but it needed some light to see (because when it is dark you can’t see anything can you? – put your hands over your eyes) So God made lots and lots of stars and threw them up into space (make throwing actions) and He made the moon to light up the sky. He decided to call this time NIGHT. Then God made the sun to light up and warm up the daytime. ‘I love this’ God said, ‘I am going to call this DAY’. God was very pleased with what he had made. It’s beautiful isn’t it the world that God had made for us. Do you like looking at the stars and the moon at night?  Do you like the warmth of the sun on your skin in the summer?

Father God, thank you for the light, it helps us to see all the beautiful things
that you have made. Sing twinkle, twinkle little star.

Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission

Autumn 1 Week 2 - God Made Land, Sky & Water
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Sand and Water play

Craft Table: Blue paper, blue, green, white crayons and sea life stickers
Suggested Worship(2): What a Great Creator, Special, I’m going to clap my hands, Big family of God, The wiggle song, The Statue Song, Let your light shine, The Lion’s Roar, Night Song
Mr Star’s mummy opened his Bible and read him a story from the very beginning of the Bible, when God made the world.  Right at the beginning of time God made the world. God made the earth and then he made water and the sky. (Use the musical instruments to make a really gentle, quite tinkling sound) God made the water lots of different colours – blue, green, silver, grey, turquoise. God made water for us to use to drink, wash (actions for drinking and washing) God made water for animals and plants too (Use the musical instruments to make a really gentle, quite tinkling sound) But after God had made the water he needed something to make it stay in one place. So he decided to make some dry areas, which he called ‘land’ and then he called the water around the land the ‘sea’. Has anyone ever been to the beach?  Have you stood on the land and put your feet in the sea?  Has anyone been swimming in the sea? God made all types of land, flat land and high, mountain land. Hilly land and bumpy land.  God had made the earth, He had made the water, He had made the sun, the moon, the stars, and then he looked up at the big blue thing above him (look up) what could he call that, He had names for everything else – what could he call that big blue thing? Do you know? That’s right He called it the sky and in the sky he put some clouds and the sun in the daytime and the moon and the stars at night time. God was really pleased. His world was beginning to look amazing.

Thank God for the land, sky and sea using actions. Lift hands up high for the sky, flat for the land and create waves for the sea. Each leader pray a blessing for each of the children as they sit.

Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission

Autumn 1 Week 3 - God Made Plants
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Soft gardening equipment
Craft Table: Seed pictures, planting cress
Suggested Worship(2): What a Great Creator, Special, I’m going to clap my hands, Big family of God, The wiggle song, The Statue Song, Let your light shine, The Lion’s Roar, Night Song
Mr Star was doing some painting yesterday, he loves bright colours – his favourite colour is red. What’s your favourite colour? God loves bright colours. Mr Star’s daddy read him a story from his Bible last night at bedtime about when God made all the plants on the earth and the fun he had choosing the colours for them. First of all God decided to make some tall trees (stand up pretend to be trees) big, solid brown trunks, with brown branches and bright green leaves (sit down again). Then He made some bushes and grass (wiggle fingers like blades of grass). Then he decided that He wanted more colour so he decided to make some beautiful flowers in lots and lots of different colours. What colours can you think of? God was really pleased with his world, He loved all the colours.

Thank God for all the beautiful flowers and plants in our world (children can sign -Thank you see blog video).Ask the children to make themselves as small as a tiny seed. Pray for each child that they will grow up knowing and loving the Lord throughout their life.

Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission

Autumn 1 Week 4 - God Made Big Animals
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Big animal small world
Craft Table: Animal cut outs
Suggested Worship(2): What a Great Creator, Special, I’m going to clap my hands, Big family of God, The wiggle song, The Statue Song, Let your light shine, The Lion’s Roar, Night Song
Mr Star and his daddy sat and watched ‘The Lion King’ on television yesterday. It is Mr Star’s favourite film. He really likes the big lion in it called Simba.  Simba is really naughty when he is little. A bit like Mr Star sometimes. Mr Star’s daddy read him a story from his Bible at bedtime all about when God made all the big animals like Simba the lion. God had already made many amazing things for the earth, but He was still missing something. Just at that moment He had an amazing idea. ‘Animals’ he said, ‘wouldn’t it be wonderful to have some animals on this beautiful earth that I have made’ So God set about making some animals, some really big animals. He made some animals with long fur and some with short fur. He made some that were fierce and some that were gentle. He made some that were fast and some that were slow. He made some that were quiet and some that were very noisy.  (Act all of these out) He made lots and lots of animals, can you think of some really big animals? (Try and act out or make the noises for the suggestions) Aren’t they all amazing? God was so pleased with all his animals.

Father God, we like the animals you have made, we like the (ask a child
for an animal), we like the .....Thank you God.

Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission

Autumn 1 Week 5 - God Made Little Animals
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Mini beast, domestic animal small world

Craft table: Decorate butterflies
Suggested Worship(2): What a Great Creator, Special, I’m going to clap my hands, Big family of God, The wiggle song, The Statue Song, Let your light shine, The Lion’s Roar, Night Song
Mr Star was watching a little bee buzzing around his garden yesterday. It was so tiny and so beautiful. It was yellow and black striped and looked a bit furry. It was sitting on one of his mummy’s flowers for a long time. Then it flew away really quickly buzzing as it went. (bbbuuzzzzzzzzzzzzz) He asked his mummy all about these little animals. His mummy read him a story from his Bible about when God made all the little animals in the world for us.   (open the Bible) God was just sooooo busy making the world, He had done so much yet he was sure there was still something missing. What could it be? He loved the animals He had made, but there was a problem, they were all sooo BIG. I know He thought, I will make some little animals. They will look wonderful in my world. So God thought about what small animals he might need and He made a little mouse (squeak, squeak), and a little bee (buzz, buzz) and a little cat (meowww) and a little frog (ribbit, ribbit). Can you think of any other small animals that he made? (make the noises) God made so many little animals, they were very beautiful, He was very pleased with them.

Sit in a circle and place the pictures of all the little animals we have been learning about in the middle. Thank God for all the little animals, point and mention by name. Ask the children to make themselves small like a snail and pray blessing over each child.

Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission

Autumn 1 Week 6 - God Made People
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Babies, dolls, push chairs
Craft Table: Large people cut outs
Suggested Worship(2): What a Great Creator, Special, I’m going to clap my hands, Big family of God, The wiggle song, The Statue Song, Let your light shine, The Lion’s Roar, Night Song
Mr Star’s mummy was tidying up the other day and found a book of photos of Mrs Stars family. Mr Star and his mum sat down and looked at all the people in the photos. There were so many. Mr Star has a big family. Lots and lots of people in it. Look around, can you see lots of people? Have you got photos at home of lots of people? Let’s look in the Bible to see the story of when God made the people with Mr Star (open the Bible) God still wasn’t finished making his world. He had made so much, yet there was still something missing. What could it be? Then God had this gigantic amazing thought PEOPLE, my world needs PEOPLE in it. People will be able to look after my world, making sure everything is how it should be. So God set about making some people, the first people on earth. He wanted people to be just like himself. Very soon he was finished. ‘Here they are’ said God, ‘Here are the first people on my earth, a man and a woman’ (ask two children to stand up – boy and girl) and they looked just like this. God was so happy he danced around with the biggest smile on his face. ‘I am so pleased with my world’ he said.

Pray for our families, use family picture cards to help. Children can point/say
out loud to who they would like to pray for. Pray a blessing for each
child by name.

Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission

Autumn 1 Week 7 (Extra Plan) - God Made Rest
Core activities: Soft play, slide, baby toys, mat, blocks, books, puzzles etc
Themed activity: Play Sleeping Bunnies, Tented area with sleeping bags
Craft Table: Night time pictures, moon and star stickers, glitter glue
Suggested Worship(2): What a Great Creator, Special, I’m going to clap my hands, Big family of God, The wiggle song, The Statue Song, Let your light shine, The Lion’s Roar, Night Song
Mr Star was getting ready for bed, he had washed his face, brushed his teeth (actions) and was climbing in to bed ready for a story. His mummy read one of his favourite stories ‘Peace at last’ – Read story by Jill Murphy (use pictures to help). The bear in the story finally got to sleep! Our sleep is so important to us in fact God told us how important it is for us all to rest! God had been working very hard for 6 days creating the world. He had created the sun, moon, stars, sky, water, animals and people and he was so tired. So on the 7th day he decided to have a rest!

God showed us how important it is for us to rest and he loves to rest with us.
Let’s have a rest now and ask Jesus to come and rest with us. Put a
duvet/blanket on the floor, ask all the children to lie down and ask Jesus to
come and rest with us. Pray the peace of God over each child.

Water & Rich Tea Biscuit for those with permission