Wednesday, 3 December 2014

“Jesus is bigger than our fears” Mark 4:35-41

Some fish
4 blankets
Jesus Story book bible DVD “Jesus calms the storm”

Something to say
We all tend to worry about different stuff, some big stuff and some little stuff. What am I going to have for dinner, will I make it into the football team, will my mum buy me that new jumper/pair of trainers I want, what would I get for Christmas, will I pass my exams, what if I get that question wrong?

Q: What are you worried about? Ask the children and see what they say, encouraging them as they say it.
Now we’re going to watch a story about when Jesus’s followers got REALLY scared. What do you think Jesus did?

Something to show
Show the DVD “Jesus Calms the storm”

Something to do:
Once the DVD is finished, act out the scene by getting a blanket for the boat, three for the ‘lake’ ‘storm’. Ask for someone to volunteer to be Jesus and for three volunteers to play the ‘friends’ in the boat who were scared. Make swishy water noise for waves and (cant hear you!!! Louder!!!), pop the fish in the blankets when the waves are high for fun effect and ask Jesus to “calm the storm” when the swishy noises will get quieter and quieter and quieter.... 

Something to do:
Ask the children to split into 3 and create a big picture of the boat, putting inside the boat all their fears such as spiders, sharks, snakes etc.

Something to pray Ask the children to sit and close their eyes. Ask them to think about the things that worry them, all the things that bother them, no matter how big or how small. Now ask them to picture God there with them, and ask them to hand over all their worries and concerns to him and trust him to take them away.

Memory Verse: "When I am afraid, I will trust in you." Psalm 56:3

“Jesus Loves Everyone” Luke 19

·         Pictures of Despicable me characters
·         World map
·         Flipchart and pen
·         Jesus storybook bible “The man who didn’t have any friends (none)”

Something to Say
Today we’re going to talk about friends and I wanted to ask:
·         Who has a best friend?
·         What do you like about your best friend? (walk around and repeat what the group says)
We’re going to do a quiz to see if you would like to be the best friend of the following people:

Something to Show: Baddies v’s Goodies Despicable me Game:
Has anyone seen Despicable me? 1 and 2?
We’re going to play a game and I need your help! We’re going to see what we think –who would like to be the best friend of: (put up Despicable me pics). Let’s have some votes! Write on a flipchart the votes for each of the characters - Tally up the scored votes to see who is more popular, (Agnes scores the most on both occasions!)
·         Agnes: Sweet and cute
·         Margo: Smart and caring
·         Gru: is a convicted criminal and now wants to steel the moon (imagine Gru from the start of Despicable me 1)
·         Dr Nefario: is helping Gru to steel the moon
·         Vector: is a convicted criminal who has stolen the Pyramids
But what happens to the baddies (like Gru at the beginning). Who wants to be their friend? What do you think Jesus would say to these baddies? Lets watch a story about a man who stole and didn’t have any friends. Let’s see what Jesus does...

A story about a man who stole...
Let’s watch a story about a man who didn’t have any friends...
·         Title “The man who didn’t have any friends (none)”
·         The Story of Zacchaeus The tax collector  Luke 19
WOW! Even though he stole from people, even though people didn’t like him because he stole from them and kept the money, *he recognised who Jesus was* and he saw that what he had done was wrong. He promised to pay back to people FOUR times the amount he owed them! Jesus loved Zacchaeus and cared for him, even though he had done bad things. *Jesus still had time for him and wanted to be his friend even when no-one else did! You see, Jesus loves everyone!*

Something to Pray:
·         Pray for people in the world who do bad things like steeling from the poor, to know Jesus, and to know what they are doing is wrong. Jesus loves us no matter what we do, He just asks for us to be his friend.
·         Put out the world map and get children to pray for each of the countries if they need help add “Dear Jesus, we pray for people who steal from the poor to know you and know what they are doing is wrong”
·         Ask the children to lie down and ask the Holy Spirit to come. See what words and pictures He gives the children. Recap in a group.

A verse to remember:  Ephesians 2: 8-9 “for it is by Grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the Gift of God, not by works, so that no-one can boast”

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Let the children come

Something to say:
Matthew 18-19, Mark 10, Luke 18
The disciples were arguing over who was the best and most important in the kingdom. When some children approached Jesus, the disciples tried to send them away but Jesus said no and to let them come to him. He told the disciples that the children were the most important because of their child-like hearts. The children knew they didn’t need to be rich or clever or important to be loved by Jesus. We matter to Jesus and he loves us exactly as we are...children!

To show:
- The job interview drama
- The art exhibition drama
- The ballot voting drama
Jesus is nothing like the people in these drama's, he says that we need to children!

To pray:
- That we would continue to dance and sing and be joyful because Jesus welcomes us all as children!

*Setup table, big chair on one side, small on the other, without saying a word, gesture a child to come up and sit on the small chair*
"Hello candidate 3056. Please say your name for the benefit of everyone here.. you may sit down..

Now, first of all. I want to be clear about the job that you are applying for. This job, is a very important job, one that our company takes very seriously. So we need a good worker, who is very skilled, who will work hard, and is very, very.. very, serious.

Now. When you applied for this job I notice you wrote your on the application form that your name was 'Mickey Mouse'. *hold up the application form with massive letters*. Now I have already asked you your name, and it wasn't Mickey Mouse was it? So my first question to you, is. Why did you give your name as Mickey Mouse?.. lead them into 'so this was just a spelling mistake then?' Ok, very well then. We all make mistakes... sometimes.. but in this company we don't accept mistakes!!! Your flying dangerously low my friend!! Dangerously low!

Right, you have also written here that you are very good at animal impressions. Is this true? I want proof. What animal impressions can you do? Let's see some. Hmmmm.. I'm going to write 'is "OK" at animal impressions here'.

Now one final question, your age. How old are you? You see.. we have very strict policy in this company *show diagram*, the oldest person is always the most important here you see. So you, being ... years old, will be at the bottom of the company. Where as me, being 25 years old. I will be at the very top. And it's important that you never think of yourself as being more important than you are you see? How do you feel about that?

Right! Well that's the end of this job interview, I'm afraid you have not got the job on account of your being too young and too much fun. This job is for someone older and less fun.

*Setup second situation, object on chair under cloth. Put on bodyguard shades and start preventing the kids from being able to see the object under the cloth*

"Do any of you lot actually want to see the ancient artefact of Pharaoh? *choose 3*

"Right then, line up here for me. Now, you at the front. What's your name? Do you know how much money this ancient artefact is worth? *Take guesses* It's worth, 9 bazillion dollars! So if you really want to take a look at it. You're gonna need to have a lot of money! How much money have you got then?" I want proof/that's not nearly enough to see the ancient artefact! This artefact is for rich people only. Those people who can really understand how important the artefact is. Art, is not for the likes of you poor people etc, eventually shoo them away.

*set up scenario 3* "Welcome all you council members to the big vote! We are gathered here today, to decide whether or not to destroy the local park in order to build a car park" *conduct voting with hands up and hands down* "so you have voted against cutting down the local forest. But you know what, I already spoke with the mayor and he said he wants to cut down the forest so we're going to do it anyway because his opinion is most important here. Your opinion doesn't matter I'm afraid.

* Take off suit, scenarios finished *
- So what do you think of the man with the tie, the security guard with  the glasses and the mayor of the town?

I think Jesus wouldn't be too impressed with their attitude, a bit like the disciples really!
- Recap the story
* Go around opening up each situation by tearing paper/revealing the artefact, revoking the ballot etc

- What do you think Jesus loves about you?
- I've got loads of things that I love about you:
- Fearless
- Honest
- No money (you trust and depend on parent/guardian)
- Respect for the leader
- A teachable heart
- No holding back!! (worship)
- Humble (you know what that means?)
- He says we should all be like that, he is our too father don't forget!
- And he takes your opinion seriously. What you think matters to Jesus. I know us adults aren't always as good at listening to you guys but remember that what you think is important. It really matters. The mayor of the town doesn't know what he's talking about.
- Jesus absolutely loves you!!
- Pray