Tots & Mini Church Team Leader Guidelines
1. Prepare – the session plans are available on the blog. Practice the story and the worship before the session. Worship songs are suggested on the plans to accompany each theme, choose 2 or 3 for your session. Where needed actions can be incorporated, be as creative as you like!
2. Be Creative – include your own visual aids, resources to accompany the session.
3. Get to know your team - remind your team when it is your week and encourage them to arrive early when possible to help set up and pray. Follow them up gently if they miss a session without contacting you.
4. Allow time - arrive in plenty of time to set up the room with care so to create a welcoming environment.
5. Pray - with the other members of your team present before the start of the session and encourage one another to pray throughout the week for the children and the team.
6. Delegate – designate leaders to specific areas of the room or to specific children if appropriate. For example; it is often helpful to have an adult specifically for the craft table or to support a child with any additional needs. As the team leader it is important that you are free to oversee the session.
7. Be flexible - Use the session outline as a guide for the timings but use your judgement if things need to be shortened, extended or moved around. Larger numbers, upset children and other unexpected factors can often impact a session and require changes to be made.
8. Communicate – take five minutes while tidying up to evaluate the session with your team and to give them positive feedback. Where appropriate feedback to the children’s and families staff particularly with any concerns. Whiteboards in the rooms can be used to leave messages when people are not available.
9. Be Safe – follow all St. Barnabas safeguarding policy and guidelines. This includes carrying out things like registration correctly even when we are familiar with many of our parents.
10. Have Fun!