Monday 13 October 2014

Jesus chooses us

Matthew 4v1-22

Something to say

After Jesus was baptised he went into the dessert and there the devil came to him to tempt him and try and distract him from what he had come to the world to do. He tried to get Jesus to disobey God just like he did to with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden – but Jesus didn't fall for it. Jesus was set on doing God’s will. He had a mission just like a super hero and was going to accomplish it, but to do this he was going to need some people to help him along the way (ask the kids about their favourite super heroes or characters and their sidekicks – e.g. batman and robin, Jake and the Neverland pirates etc).

Jesus went out and asked 12 ordinary people to follow him on his mission. He chose them to be his helpers – these are the people we know as the 12 disciples. At the time it didn't seem like there was anything special or extraordinary about these guys – they were fishermen mostly, but they obeyed Jesus because they realised they needed him and that was all Jesus was looking for. Jesus chooses us, not because of how we look, or how good we are, or because we are the best at football, or the best dancer, he chooses us because he loves us.

Something to show
Choose a couple of children to come up front. Their mission is to save the world and ask them to choose 3 or 4 people to be on their team as their helpers. They can choose anyone (fictional, real life, dead, alive etc) Ask them to give the reasons why they have chosen each person (e.g. maybe superman because he can fly). Now explain to them that God chooses us for a very different reason. He does not look at the outside, or our abilities, nor does he choose us because we have been good. He chooses us because he loves us.

Something to pray
Lead the children in a prayer and for them ask God to show them that they are chosen by Him, because he loves them. Ask God to remind them of this truth always and to let them know that they are always special to God and it is not based on any other thing than the love God has for them.

Friday 10 October 2014

Listen to Jesus

Matthew 3

Something to say
John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus and told people that they needed to be rescued. John baptised people and one day Jesus asked to be baptised too. As he came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit came on Jesus in the form of a dove and God spoke, telling everyone that this was his son who he was really pleased with. Later on when Jesus is transfigured on the mountain God told everyone to listen to him. Do we listen to what Jesus tells us?

Something to show
Hello class, my name is Professor Eisenstein! Now I know some of you have come a very long way to get here today, just so that you can see my new invention. And I can understand why you would travel so far to see my invention because it will absolutely revolutionise the way that we listen and speak to each other.
I call my invention: *unveil* the two-can, one-string, long-range, talk-a-tron3000! Pretty snappy don’t you think?
Now, in order to demonstrate my new invention, who would like to be my wonderful assistant? You there, come on over here. Take this (can), and walk to the corner of the classroom. You have the easy job, your job will be talking.
Now I need another volunteer. You have got the hard job, the dangerous job. What I'd like you to do is to LISTEN! Now unlike speaking, which only requires your mouth, for listening we'll need some specialist safety equipment to ensure there is no cheating! *one at a time* These safety headphones and glasses will help make sure that there is no cheating. *Once headphones are on, mime; "Can you hear me?"
Oh good that's working then.
Now it is of the up most importance, that you keep the line between you nice and tight! Right, I'm going to show you a word over there. And I would like you to speak that word into the can. You need to listen carefully into the other can... to see if you can work out what word they are saying.
*do this three times*
So I know what you're all thinking. This is a pretty amazing invention. But it only works across the room right? That's not so impressive. Well let me tell you, that I have ambitions beyond one room. You see, by adding more string we could get it between two rooms! What do you think?
Ok, but remember if I add more string I could do it between two buildings! And more still, maybe it could work across two countries! Can you imagine that? Being able to talk and listen to someone who is thousands of miles away?! Now that would be pretty incredible wouldn't it? Truly revolutionary!

But there's still one thing I want to do with it, but I can't quite work out how. How I can use my device to listen to Jesus.

You see, I was reading a story earlier today about a man named John the Baptist. And in that story, this man Jesus came to John and asked him if he could be baptised. When he was baptised, the bible says the heavens opened and a dove came down and landed on this chap Jesus and a massive voice came from heaven saying 'This is my Son with whom I am well pleased, listen to him'

Now I've heard many different voices in my time, some through the one-string, two-can, long-range, talk-a-tron3000, some face to face like I'm talking to you now, but I have never heard a voice come from the heavens before! Now that's a voice I'd like to listen to. But it doesn't stop there because I’ve heard even more incredible stories about this man Jesus, miracles that he has performed, people whose lives have been totally changed by listening to him. And that got me thinking; how can I listen to this man Jesus? Because he's definitely a man worth listening to, very wise, I mean the heavens themselves even said so. But the problem is that I hear he went up to heaven, and I can't get my two-can... to reach the heavens?

So I'm a bit stumped with that one. Have any of you heard of this man Jesus? How do you listen to Jesus? Do you use a one-string, two-can...? No? How do you do it then?

So you're saying I don't need an invention to listen to him? I can simply read from the bible? Or even just pray and listen to him?

Well I guess I won't need these then! *throws one-string away and spins around* now in my normal voice* what did you think of that then huh? Professor Eisenstein. Pretty smart guy? You know as I walked in here I heard you giving him some advice about listening to Jesus. That sounded great because it's not always easy to listen is it? We like to talk. But look at you guys listening to me now, you're really good listeners.

Something to pray
Ask the children to touch their ears. Jesus help us to be good listeners to take time to listen to you just as we do with our friends and family, because what you say is very important.
Leave some time and space for the children to listen to Jesus and share what he is saying.

A verse to remember
“This is my son, whom I love. Listen to him.” Mark 9v7

Jesus Heals

Something to say
Isn't it exciting when you hear good news stories of something amazing God has done? Ask the children if they have any good news stories. Perhaps you have a story you can share with the children.
When we hear stories of God’s power at work this helps build our faith to pray more and expect more.
Sometimes we need to be patient when we are praying for someone to be healed as God doesn't always answer our prayers in the way we expect.
In today’s story we’re reminded of how powerful Jesus is. He healed one woman how had been sick for a long time. Not 12 minutes, 12 days or even 12 months but for 12 years. Then he travels to Jairus’ house and raises his daughter from the dead. Jesus is so powerful!

Something to show
Invite the children to split into groups so that they can talk about the story with each other. Encourage them to take some quiet time and close their eyes and have a quiet chat with God, asking God to show them people they know who need Jesus’ healing power, family, friends or even themselves. Hand out some sticky notes, pens and crayons to each child. The children can then put a word, draw a picture, draw a person, a body part for the person that they want to ask Jesus to heal. Perhaps this person is feeling sad, or hurt, or angry. You could write a word to describe it or even the initial of their name.
(Gather children in a large circle, place Jesus in the centre for the children to focus on and have a time of prayer)
When everybody finished writing, play some quiet music and pull out a cardboard cut-out with the words Jesus written across. One group at a time can come forward and bring their sticky notes with their requests for healing - we then all stick the post it’s on the figure. These are our prayers to Jesus asking him to bring his healing power.

Something to pray
Jesus thank you that you are our friend and you know what is important to us. You know everything that is on these sticky notes. Thank you that you are a God who heals! We ask you to bring your healing power into the lives of all these people we have been thinking about. In Jesus name Amen!

A verse to remember

 ‘He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.’ Psalm 147v3